Oblivion- 15 or so
skyrim-5 daedra!!
Morrowind- shirt,pants,shoes,greaves,skirts,body,pauldrons,gloves,helmet,belt,neclace and was it two rings?
Oblivion- Boots,greaves,body,gloves,helmet. one amulet and two wrings
skyrim-Boots,body,helmet,gloves, one ring and amulet
Daggerfall- HEY!! give us some more weapons please!!
Oblivion- you took away our weapons? ..ohh kay.. odd choice but could we have them back soon? SPEARS SPEARS SPEARS!! CROSSBOWS!! NOM!
skyrim- Why dont we have our weapons?
Morrowind- Here's an absolute [censored]ton of factions to join and you will never get to undertake them all in the same playthrough! muhawhawhawhawhaw!!
Oblivion- Here's a slightly dumbed down bunch of factions with less options, no conflicts so that you may join them all and we screwed with their lore a bit ,But at least we've thought harder on their quests
Skyrim- Pathetically small amount of factions
Lore- Skyrim has ALL THIS STUFF!!
Game- skyrim has one or two of this stuff. No werebears, no icevampire clans who live under lakes or anything from the books we had in past games
No spell-making
Crafting is hardly elder scrolls like
Morrowind- Here's an army of variety
oblivion- Here's a large ammount of variety
Skyrim- Here's some stuff we did on the side of dragons.