I uninstalled BtB's Game Settings, and found that I can no longer sleep outside since I get a 'Resting here is illegal' message. It seems that the GMST edits have stuck on my save.
Short of starting a new game, is there a way I can remove this from the save file?
Back up your most recent save game. Open the Construction set. Scroll down to BTB's mod (it'll need to be in your Data Files folder). Click Details. Click the "ID" column top to sort it by ID name. Go down to the GMST section. These are all the GMSTs altered by the plugin. One of them (or more) is your culprit. You can delete them from your save game using the Enchanted Editor in the Global Variables section. That should reset them to the normal values.
I'd keep a backup of your savegame though - if you accidentally delete the wrong thing it'll cause strange problems.
I uninstalled BtB's Game Settings, and found that I can no longer sleep outside since I get a 'Resting here is illegal' message. It seems that the GMST edits have stuck on my save.
Short of starting a new game, is there a way I can remove this from the save file?
If you change the GMST, it should revert to normal after the cell resets, I think. I'm pretty sure I did this a few months ago.