» Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:33 am
A "best guess" script might be possible by taking a coordinate snapshot of when a player jumps, and where they land (triggered by a sound-check for the landing SFX), thereby giving the NPC a Point A->Point B reference for jumping. But even this would be flawed beyond use for long leaps, slowfall, terrain slides, or anything else that would cause a significant delay in registering the endpoint - conversely, as long as they're in follow mode, you could just do the first part (take a snapshot when jump is pressed), and force them to jump when they reach the coordinates (with a certain margin of error, say 4-8 units). I'm no scripter and I have zero experience with MWSE, but theoretically as long as you can tell when/where the player presses Jump, you could at least have NPCs follow suit.