I would like to hire someone to install my oblivion with FCOM and all additives.
I shall pay you. you shall help me.
I insist and Thank.
it's hard.
I recommend you doing these things.
1- 50 steps to free ctd oblivion (it's a topic made by bladeofmercy)
2- Whenever you have doubts about how to install fcom, search for my posts, everytime I had a question and couldn't find manuals talking about my doubts, I just asked to this forum clarifications.
2.1 some of your doubts will be solved by looking into the official fcom converge thread
3-do your best and you shall do it.
4- you can also go there if you don't wanna follow the three steps above ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XneMbc8nO4Q