Because of all the negative threads...

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:22 am

If you have ever played a Beth game, you know they release with a ton of bugs. You also know that Beth dedicates months after release to fixing said bugs.

Other than the bugs, which I don't think are that bad, this is quite possibly the best game Ive ever played. :foodndrink: Thanks gamesas.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:22 am

Yes the game is awesome. But you can not dismiss enormous problems like CTD every 10min, this is simply unacceptable and unignorable.

Not having this problem. You're sure your computer has optimal cooling? I remember FO3 crashing a lot because of heat issues.
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Isabella X
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:50 pm

I love Skyrim. It is currently my favorite game. And I cannot wait for DLC.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:34 pm

I just wanted to post a positive one. Todd's team has done an amazing job. This is absolutely on my top five list.

I was walking through Whiterun, it was getting late and the sun was going down. The lovely theme kicks in, and it all just comes together. Everything was amazing at that moment. Even that Graymane kid who bullies people was tolerable.

The game has problems, sure, but the positive parts outweigh the negative ones by far.

Great game, and I can't wait for the DLC and the Creation Kit.

This game is AMAZING.

And its amazingly hard if you want to, or easy if yuo want too. its up to you what you bring on your journey.
After starting over and neglecting all 2ndaries, using a rutten wood bow and a rusty iron 2h, and I actually got the thiefs guild leather armor.
The game is very interesting. And often Im forced to retreat on Adept, although Im trying on Expert its often too hard.

my first character was dancing through Master due to enchants and Smithing. ofc its easy.

The game lets you play it as YOU want.
Magic is perfectly balanced, conjuration maybe is a little too good, destruction is spot on good.
And well

The athmosphere, quests etc is just marvelous.

my new wood elf is lvl 24. He have done 40% of companion quest line, 5% of thief guild quests and NONE of the main quest lines.

I explore and do alot of small side quests.
And a tad of pickpocketing:-)
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:53 am

just because someone doesnt' like 1 aspect of the game and makes a thread about it doesn't mean he thinks its bad, hell that person might still think the game is great.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:42 am

To be fair, some complaints are from people who adore Beth's games and simply want to point out areas for improvement. I think this ia also why Beth has always been very supportive of modding, including the issues with even attempting to make a software product "user-proof." They know the latter isn't really feasible eiher due to personal preferences or hardware/software interactions, so they know they need to support users to customize their own experience. This is also why a MMO version of Beth's games would almost certainly fail; each person plays differently, but MMOs demand a universal context. They're pretty much the opposite of consumer generated media (CGM).

As one example, consider the fact that Beth didn't include a graphic representation of harvesting ingredients with Oblivion. This made the act of harvesting difficult because you could not tell if you had harvested something or not, thus making alchemy-oriented characters tough to play. Modders fixed this with Harvest Flora. With Skyrim, Beth included this visual feedback.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:55 am

You think the people on the elders scrolls forums are bad, you should see some of the playstation 3 forums.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:53 am

This game is in my top 5 aswell, and maybee even number 1.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:27 pm

Yes the game is awesome. But you can not dismiss enormous problems like CTD every 10min, this is simply unacceptable and unignorable.

Crash to Desktop`?

I play it on Console.
Had my first stutter yesterday after 100+ hours of game play.

i realize I had blocked the fans with stuff lying nearby. Took it away, restarted the xbox, and problem solved.
No crashes, no glitches. I have seen NOTHING of the sort on the xbox.
I know the PC version have alot more of it though.
But Im having a PC version too and played maybe 10 hours there, without a single hicup.

Its your hardware thats faulty, not the game.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:35 am

Its your hardware thats faulty, not the game.

Considering how many people have been having problems, Im pretty sure its an issue with the game.

OT:Yes, it is a really good game, I agree.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:12 am

I'm not really seeing these negative threads it seems like most people like the game. I don't understand this mentality and why negativity bothers people. I was walking down the street today. This guy gets out of his car just throws his mcdonalds bag and cup in the middle of the road. I said to him did you just throw that. He was like yes. I was like are yu going to pick it up. He was like no. I just kept walking because that was the amount of time i was going to waste on him and his garbage. How is that me being negative?

Was he not expecting any sort of reprecussion when he does that in front of someone?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:29 am

The game sure is amazing.
And nothing comparable to Fo3 or FNV in relation of bugs and CTDs. Got so few of them and that's wonderful.
There is some textures, minor quest, balance problem, but will be solved in time and the game will kick more ass.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:38 am

I've been playing this game almost every day since it's release, and during the first week I just sat back mumbling "what an amazing game...what an amazing game" to myself as I ventured through new areas of Skyrim. I still have those moments where I just feel very lucky that there's someone (like Bethesda) who makes games like this. There's some bugs and maybe some balance issues etc, but the details and freedom in it is just so grand compared to most other more linear (and far less atmospheric) games, and I'm sure some of those issues will be taken care of in the future.
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jessica sonny
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:45 am

Despite my nerdraging rant in the PS3 forum that got locked (and to the mod; you're welcome! Any time mate), it may be the best game I've ever played - certainly the best dungeon diver by far. And that of course is the reason I care so much about those things I wish would have been done differently or just... you know, work at all.
I've gotten 87 hrs of mostly smooth and glitch-free fun so far (albeit with many of the same oddities that plagued previous titles), and while I keep my fingers crossed for a patch to ensure me another 400 hrs or so, I acknowledge that it's still far, far more than most other games out there. So yeah, three cheers and deliver a working patch or else... :gun:
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