Does anyone else have 'Hybrid' issues?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:32 am

(before you read this, like a chunk of us here, im just bored at work today trolling the forums. Hah.)

So, im having trouble deciding, I assume just like the majority of us. Ive played several characters to the lvl 25-30 range, a board and sword warrior, an archery assassin/ranger, and a pure mage. Ive touched a lot of the content with each, but not everything all with one character.. (mostly for roleplay reasons)

I especially like my backstory to my imperial assassin turned ranger. Im a young imperial, who disconnected himself from his estranged family, and fled to Skyrim, only to be swept up into the civil war mess. I was a petty thief and raider at first, scouring for anything I could get my hands on, and worked my way up into the thieves guild, up until I obtained the skeleton key.. I then went rogue and joined the ranks of the Dark Brotherhood, working my way all the way to the top, slowly but surely, killing for gold. Next, through an obvious chain of events that my ‘assassin’ went along with out of pure curiosity, I realize I am Dragonborn, and decide to turned over a new leaf, and bring new meaning to the otherwise dark life ive lived…

Etc etc.. I like the roleplay and re-play ability of TES games.. my problem is, I really like the play style of my warrior, mage, and assassin, but I cant seem to choose just one… I find myself wanting more variety in combat when I play any one of my characters…

I keep finding that once I get my archery so high, I never level my light armor or my 1 hand anymore… because I just ‘legolas’ everything all the time.. or my board and sword, once my 1h / block / heavy got kind of high, I realize I Barely level any other skill… at all… the mage I would say doesn’t have this issue, but I found it a tad annoying at lvl 30ish to have to pause combat and change my spells every 20seconds of actual play..

I guess my main question for everyone is, has anyone found a truly viable build that is somewhat of a hybrid, effectively?? Like, a 1h // destro??? I tend to lean on one offensive skill, if my archery is up my 1h svcks, if my 1h is up, my archery is gimped… i know this is really my own fault, but does everyone else do this??? Do you lean towards one sole offensive skill?? Or do you really pay attention and try to level out your archery/1h/2h/destro/armor(s) to each other???

(P.S. to Bethesda: Quirks aside, AWESOME game. Spread out over all my characters im about 105 hours in, and literally haven’t even done the main quest. I did this in oblivion as well, I like to save it for last =p it usually fits my personal roleplaying ‘type’, I like the idea of forming my character first, within this world, and discovering im meant for something more than every other NPC, even after honing some of my skills. Makes the main quest seem a lot more epic, in my opinion.)
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Solène We
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:37 pm

Bump for Boredum sake!!
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Chloe Yarnall
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