I mean...
How can one believe that? You're really suggesting that video game kids are more annoying than living ones? I mean you said "it would be nice" to kill one of them. Why? What would be "nice" about it?
In the game you can just run by them and ignore them. Their dialogue is more annoying than the guards, etc?
For people who say bad things happen to kids in real life...do you want the option to perform ALL the bad things that happen to kids? That's real too.
The issue isn't "it's just a game." It's what fantasies do the player have and what do they want to act out. The fact that it's a virtual world is irrelevant, IMO.
The issue isn't that there are loads of people who want to do disgusting things to kids (use your imagination), it's that kids are treated differently than advlts simply because, well... I don't really know why. They're kids, I guess? It's not that I can't do anything to an NPC that could happen to a real person in real life, it's that I can do something to the advlt NPCs, but not to the children NPCs. It's the double standard, not the complete and universal exclusion of some scenario or fantasy or other.
Thread lock time?