I'm hoping this can be a topic where experienced users can answer questions from me and hopefully from others. I'll get the ball rolling

Bait... I know some is needed, but I have way more questions that are not answered.
1) is bait used up?
2) how do you choose a type of bait? When I start a new game I'm given 5 pieces of bait, but AFAIK, I cannot choose the bait type.
3) do specific bait types work better with specific fish/are they required for specific fish?
Ingredients... specifically from any killed fish or the algae/kelp added. Have these been balanced so that a few specific effects are not too prevalent? I know that water related effects should obviously be more common, but I just want to ask.
Provided equipment... I know that the water life ring is used to configure the mod, and is apparently pretty customizeable and user friendly. The other ring seems to simply change the rate of time flow. Am I missing any other effects provided by that ring?
I read that water book, and I believe it is the only place to check my fishing skill. I understand this skill to be independent to this mod. That is a correct assessment, yes?
Those are all of my questions at the moment. Apologies if I missed some bastion of knowledge where these questions are already answered. Thanks everyone!