Your ideal house

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:36 am

In Oblivion and now Skyrim, I am a packrat. I love collecting weapons and armor of all types and keeping them in my home. But what I REALLY want to do is display them all, now, Skyrim has added weapon plaques and armor mannequins...but I want more. A huge house with a whole gallery of weapons and a suit of armor on every corner would be amazing. Just a suggestion for some DLC.

So, what frosty Northern home would you want?
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:44 am

I think it would require a complex the size of the Blue Palace. Has to have better lighting, though. The buildings in Solitude have awful lighting for the most part.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:32 pm

I want a giant castle built into the side of the throat of the world, near the top. Lots of display oppurtunities and argonian slaves for my dunmer as well.
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:41 am

The Blue Palace would be perfect.
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Naughty not Nice
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:40 am

I want a manor/farm outside of town, maybe around the nirnroot lady's farm west of Riften. I'd be able to collect my own crops and cook, but the manor would also have servants who tend the place, all of whom have interesting histories and many conversation options. The house would have a study with a desk with bookshelves. There'd be many, many rooms, one of which has an elongated fireplace. It would be a quaint, atmospheric house full of history and life, and also humongous with ample room to store stuff, and the physics in the house would be fixed so that upon entering things I've carefully placed don't go flying.
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:46 pm

A small, but cozy cabin by a lake. I have to go through a dense forest with a winding foothpath to reach my cabin and when I exit the forest, I see great mountains surrounding the lake, and a cabin lying by itself by the shore.
A fishing rod, a bow and some arrows should be easily accessed at the porch. YES, I need a porch :)

Inside a fireplace is essential, a collection of Honningbrew mead, some wine and the famous Nord frost Whiskey(actually true)and and an Alchemy station.

A comfy chair made of fur and leather from my own hunting in the woods.

A trusty dog.

A small smelter, not too far from the cabin, by the water. Smithing and leather workstations in the proximity. A Grinding stone and workbench to complete it all.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:37 am

For my Nord, I'd want Goldenglow Estate. Mainly because it's near the Thieves' Guild, is hard to get into without knowing you way around, and is very easy to defend. Plus, it's near Ingun Black-briar. Rawr.

For my Orc, he has his dream house: Vlindrel Hall. Build into a mountain, near an orc stronghold, lots of weapon plaques, and enchanting table, both the forges in the city are worked by orcs, and it's fairly large.

My Bosmer already has Jorrvaskr and the Whiterun home, so he's set for life.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:27 am

I want my own hall like jorvvasker. With my own sworn warriors and thane's. And interactivity with the npc's.
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Rachell Katherine
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