Can I become Thane of Riften twice?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:49 am

Hi, I did the Skooma quest for Jarl Laila law-giver, did the "help the people" quest, bought Honeyside and was named Thane.

Then, I sided with the Imperials and Maven replaced Laila as Jarl. Then, I tried robbing a citizen of Riften and talked to a guard, and no Thane option was available (i've never used it before). This makes me think that I am not a Thane of the new Jarl's court.

I have not done the thieve's guild quests yet, if I do them now, with Maven as jarl, will I be get the opportunity to be made thane by Jarl Maven?

Right now Maven just talks about how good it is to be on the throne, is there any way at all for her to offer me the title of Thane?

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Rach B
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