With the current generation of console and the current market on which first person genre games exist, there have been few games to date that have matched the caliber of the elder scrolls in terms of being immersible. This being said, I was playing Battlefield 3 before Skyrim came out and noticed a couple of ideas that were executed well within that game. Let us remember these are completely different games, but the idea is the same: putting the player in the shoes of the character.
One idea that was well executed in the latest addition to the Battlefield franchise was the ability to see your legs. (DICE has been known to do this, as it only makes sense when you're in another character's shoes). My proposal to you Todd Howard, whoever is in charge of these changes, is that you implement the ability to see your character's feet while in first person, not third because it can already be done. So what this means is that you take the time to move the camera back to the center of the chest (I understand its not THAT simple, but you can't tell me it can't be done), instead of making me feel like a floating ghost with 2 arms with swords in hand.
Second, what about prone? I'm totally kidding about that. But another thing that has really bugged me about third person are the dual wielding animations. They're good, until I run or sheathe. I 'm sure you've already received multiple complaints about this issue already, I'm just here to shed even more light on the issue. Don't forget to implement a sprint AND a jump at the same time, that way sprinting doesn't feel so stiff, something else Battlefield did really well: sprinting. Oh and one more thing, animate the character moving leavers, it bugs me to see my character magically move the leaver after pressing X (PS3), almost like Oblivion's caliber all over again, which we all know the team at Bethesda has moved WAY past that. Also, one more thing to consider, dual wield blocking. I know it would make dual wielding almost impervious, but balance it somehow. OR add an evasion move, like Dark Souls did.
That being said, if any of the community has any design requests or issues such as these that should be fixed, comment and post 'em below. Lets get Bethesda to notice this one mates.