» Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:22 am
1. Max out enchanting. You may have heard the horror stories of melee attacks that breach 16000 damage and free mana destruction spells, but they only serve to show that enchanting is immensely powerful. Don't be a fool and disregard a tree because it can be exploited. The benefits of enchants are irreplaceable.
2. In Conjuration, go up the Atronach side of the tree. Unless you are role-playing a necromancer, the atronach summons are far and away the better choices.
3. Impact in destruction is vital if you are going to be using fire/frost or shock damage. It's cheesy, it's cheap, but it's unavoidably powerful. As a mage, you will be more frail (even if you're like me and wear heavy armor) than your warrior cousins. Having the ability to stop a 2-handed Draugr Dreadlord in his tracks before he cleaves you a new orifice or preventing a powerful Dragon Priest from turning you into a pile of ash is vital. If you are playing on anything above Adept, you need Impact.
4. Bind your keys. If I press 1, I have Incinerate in both hands. If I press 2, I have fireball. 3 is my Conjure Fire Atronach. 4 is Fire Runes, ect. Put all your potions in your favorite menu and only bring up the favorite menu if you need a quick health/mana potion.
5. Bound Weapons, for a mage, are useless. So don't perk them. You shouldn't have one-hand/two-hand/bow perks as a pure mage and you shouldn't be getting into melee combat unless you like seeing your body fling across the screen in all of its ragdoll glory. If you need souls for your gems, get "Soul Trap," do the quest for Azura's Shrine, get the Black Star and profit. You'll be too busy spamming death and destruction on your burning, dying enemies to be running in like an Elite from Halo 2.
6. Positioning. Someone mentioned this before. 99.9% of my deaths are because I got too greedy, tried to cut off a little more than I could chew and ended up getting blasted by a mage. Abuse corners, become best friends with your A and D keys, sit in the back and let your conjuration summons take all the beatings (bless their little hearts) and jump in between enemy casts.
7. Discover the college of Winterhold. It is filled to the brim with mages that are masters in their respective fields. Need a few more points in Destruction? Fast-travel to CoW. A frost atronach summon spell? Fast-travel to CoW. Their quest chain also gives a ton of nice gear to hold you off until you can get your light/heavy set enchanted.