No One Escapes Cidhna Mine discussion (many spoilers)

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:13 am

Wrong, I clearly saw the Forsworn kill the Orc foreman and the smelter workers, along with some of the vendors there. The Forsworn will kill anyone they can in the city. My advice would be work with the Forsworn up until they give you the unique armor, then attack and kill them, get pardoned by Thonar, and assassinate him for only a bounty of 40 gold. Good days for Markarth :celebration:

Wrong. I clearly saw them not kill anyone except guards and Thonar, even though they engaged pretty much everyone else in combat.

See. I can speak in absolutes as well.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:24 pm

When I helped Madanach I didn't help him kill the town guard. The end result is a Markarth that didn't care about my actions enough to do anything and me making some extra coin by looting the now dead guard's bodies. Win-Win for me.

Edit: The trick is doing the jailbreak at night when the innocents are out of the way. You have a wait function. Use it.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:32 am

Wrong. I clearly saw them not kill anyone except guards and Thonar, even though they engaged pretty much everyone else in combat.

See. I can speak in absolutes as well.

Stop talking rubbish, the forsworn will attack anyone in the city. The only NPCs who survive are the essential ones.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:33 am

Stop talking rubbish, the forsworn will attack anyone in the city. The only NPCs who survive are the essential ones.

I guess they're all essential then.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:17 pm

why not post in the spoiler section?

oh and not to just be "that guy" i will respond to the topic and say this is quite the glitchy quest, i sided with the forsworn and killed the entire city with them, thinking the forsworn took over. lo and behold i have a bunch of angry guards waiting for me next time I arrive in markarth.

best option is to align with forsworn and when you get out of prison don't kill anyone and rather let the forsworn kill the guards

Yep that is what I did, and then I looted all the bodies :hubbahubba:
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:49 pm

Stop talking rubbish, the forsworn will attack anyone in the city. The only NPCs who survive are the essential ones.

I only saw dead guards afterwards.

It annoys me though that there isn't another way to finish the quest without going to jail. I played a mage, together with my helper (Azura follower lady), we beat up all guards that attempted to arrest me, there were like 15 of them. But of course some key quest givers are hostile to me, they cannot be killed, and I cannot finish some quests from them, so I had to follow the game design to go to jail.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:20 pm

I didn't like how it ended for me...

I went beast-mode after I listened to all of the prisoners little pitty party tales of loss and regret. I killed them all in the mine. I didn't like Silver-blood dude thanking me for doing his dirty work so I plan on stalking/killing him later. Justice is balance. Eye for an eye.

Question - if you help the Forsworn, do all of the Forsworn outposts turn non-hostile to you? They don't do they? If you gain nothing by helping them, I don't see the point in doing so.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:19 pm

Wrong. I clearly saw them not kill anyone except guards and Thonar, even though they engaged pretty much everyone else in combat.

See. I can speak in absolutes as well.

I guess they're all essential then.

Reloaded a save in the mine and tested, some NPCs, smelters and such, CAN be killed. Mulush gro-Shugurz and Braig Degiane, for instance. Why are there no bodies, then? Probably because those bodies are raised as undead. That spell is cast a good bit in that fight. As anyone who has tinkered with the spell knows, when spell raised undead are killed/the spell ends, they turn into ash piles, not named corpses. Look for ash piles. See any of those?

It's worth noting that guards are too powerful to be raised as undead with basic player spells. It's probably those are the same spells the Forsworn are using, as I've yet to see a guard raised. This would make ANY ash pile from a nonessential unique NPC, if true.

Regardless of people denying it, named NPCs CAN DIE during this event. If you don't believe it, try testing it yourself instead of just saying what you remember.
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