from the picture, I dont see the block details. So, view->Block Details.
In the block details of the main ninode, there is string named "+children". Click the "+".
Where you see "none", replace with "0"
Doing that is causing my game to CTD.
I get this message in NifSkope: ""infinite recursive link construct detected 0 -> 0""
I changed all the ones that said NONE to 0. And I left the "1 Tri In_C_plain_hall_small 3" alone. I did try changing that to 0 and I also got a CTD.
Are you sure that's the right way to go about it? Because those tapestries that Player can walk through from all sides and angles don't do that at all. has
NiStringExtraData NCO but the children are 2 & 14. :unsure: