Any suggestion how to start it up.
I'd say tackle the non-technical side first. Should they all be bound to skills like in Skyrim or more eclectic like Fallout? Exactly what do you want the perks to do? Are they active abilities, passive bonuses, or a mix of both? That kind of thing. Next determine if it's possible to do what you want (or something acceptably close) using standard scripting. Once you have all that information, you can take on the sticky part, how to make an interface that does everything you need. This will be easier once you know exactly what you do need, and whether you're dealing with standard or "enhanced" scripting.
is just my suggestion, though. I kind of did it the other way around when I experimented with this before, and while it wasn't a total failure, I was never too happy with it. (I'm kinda tempted to take another look at it now though, to see if anything useful can be salvaged.)
Kinda about that, anyone know if the first person "view height" is dependent on races or anything ?
Yeah, race and six. Basically "eye level" is 128 game units times the modifier in the race definition.