Please understand that TES games are RPGs, not action adventures.
People that object to Bethesda's decisions do not want their favourite series to be transformed into something that's incredibly shallow and boring.
Sure, there's hundreds of quests out there, but they're all boring as hell due to you not having to figure out anything.
Quests in TES series have always had the general set-up of "Go to X, kill everything, bring Y back", to put it bluntly. In previous games the joy was figuring out where X initially was, then where Y was inside of X. (Dwemer puzzle box anyone? Jeeeesus)
Now there's some magical arrow pointing to wherever you need to go, all you need to do is slay the odd 10 monsters in your way.
That, my friend, is boring.
Most of us are hypocrites, wanting TES games to be shaped for ourselves and other TES fans. (putting it VERY bluntly here.)
I've played TES games since Morrowind (tried Daggerfall and Arena, but the limited view distance scared me so much I stopped playing, pixellated rats jumping out of nowhere are scary.), as a result of this I like to think I have a good idea of what a great TES game could be like. If you scramble together the best bits of Morrowind and Oblivion, you can end up with an incredibly game, catering to a very wide audience.
Personally I think Bethesda went too much out of their way to streamline the game for more people to get svcked into it. Leaving a lot of older fans dissapointed. (This all happened to me in WoW too, loved that game, almost cried to see what it has become now, I do not want TES to follow the same path.)