A couple of nicks and pickles since the last time I've been on the forums, one regarding a particular mesh/texture replacer and the second concerning conflict/error warning.
I am currently running Hedgehogs weapon overhaul which includes Skull Crusher, and I am much more fond of the SkullCrusher Replacer 1.5 by Oriphier. I believe the problem is that the former is a BSA so regardless of whether I replace the meshes and textures in my data files, it can't have any effect so long as the other mod is active. My question is if there is a way around that? I'd love to be able to use O's replacer without have to turn off Hedgehog's .esp and sacrifice the rest of the arsenal.
Last question is much simpler; With all of my mods installed, at some point something ticked off Morrowind to the point of inviting me into the game with error warning every time. I don't care if there is any substance to them, because after perusing the entire world 5 times over, nothing is odd or altered in a way that is intrusive to my experience. I would like to completely and utterly turn the error warnings (mesh/texture conflicts) and their messages off. Is there a way to do that? The best I could do is turn on yestoall, but that does not solve the fact that it pops up at least once.
Much gratitude and thanks to any and all who reply!