Can my computer run the Morrowind Graphics Extender?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:39 pm

I do not have Morrowind but I am thinking of getting it. If I get it at this point, I feel like I probably will want the graphics to be better than the original game's. It wouldn't be unbearable to play it without that, but I think it would be a lot better to have it. I have read that the Morrowind Graphical Extender is a fantastic mod. However, I've looked it up and at this point, it seems to require higher system requirements than I have, particularly in terms of video card.

I have a laptop that is 4 years old, and while I've upgraded a lot of it, the video card is part of the motherboard so I can't upgrade. As a result, here are my specs:

Processor: Dual Core 2.2 GHz
Video Card: NVIDIA Quadro 135m (128mb)
Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit

Can I run the newest version of MGE? I imagine there are probably some features allowed by it that I will have to ignore, and that is fine, but can I run it at all? If not, is there a way to get an earlier version of the mod?

Lastly, are there any other graphical mods people would recommend for a first time Morrowind player?
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:56 am

You'll have no problems with that setup.

My recommendation is to be very careful when selecting and installing massive texture pack replacements. You might like the screenshots, but then ingame you notice all sorts of new textures that are horrible and then you find youre in an awkward position of trying to manually uninstall countless files :(

Ie: make a Data Files backup before installing any large packages :D

I'll be honest too, after 10 years of playing it i still love default everything. Just feels... right
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