I was tired of reading topics how destruction svcks and decided to try it out for myself.
My lvl 48 or something character with destruction of 24 started leveling it (or rather paying for training)..
So by the time my destruction rose to skill 50 I was lvl 50 and in some random dwemer ruin..
The whole time I was searching for a staff and finally I found it, a chain lightning staff.
Then I discovered something that drastically changes the way destruction is perceived.
Staff benefits from IMPACT!!
Meaning if you cast a spell from your staff (or actually channel it) and you have impact perk (and you should have it) your opponent will be staggered.
It does not matter what you have in the other hand..
Why is this important?!
Here is an example.
300 magicka pool, random spell that costs 50 and does 100 dmg
- you can cast the spell 6 times inflicting 600 dmg before you are oom
- you can dual cast the spell for 560 dmg (2 x 140) and do 440 dmg but stagger your enemy
- you cat cast the spell 6 times doing 600 dmg and combine the casting of your staff and do another 600 dmg for free for a grand total of 1200 dmg
After discovering this I firmly believe that bethesda envisioned mages with a staff in one hand and a spell in another..
Staffs benefit from "augmented" perks.
Staffs benefit from "impact" perk.
Staffs benefit from high destruction.
So yeah.
This makes destruction a cake walk even after 50.
Atm lvl 55 with destruction of 77 and still using chain lightning in combo with a chain lightning staff and loving it.
So get a staff and be prepared to change your view of destruction!!