Shouts ... before playing and after

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:00 am

In all honesty here everyone, when I first read about the Dragon Shouts that would be in the newest Elder Scrolls game, I was a little bit surprised at the idea. Not only did I think it was very strange, I thought it was something that would be tossed aside by players like an iron dagger found in the starting dungeon of Obvlion. I truly thought it was such a lame idea that wouldn't be any bit of fun come launch. So I didn't read into them anymore, took no further interest in the concept and only read up on the latest news about skills and changes ect. Then came launch night ....

I was eating a big ol' plate of those words once I used my first shout. It was dang near one of the coolest things ever! As if the first word 'Fus' in the beginning shout 'Unrelenting Force' wasn't cool enough, upon learning the last two words in the series I had the time of my life shouting enemies into walls following up with some slashes from my sword. And then a few words popped into my mind. "Tall ... structure .... Unrelenting Force". And then came the fun outsxide of combat. Got that certain shopkeep that gives you a hard time, puts you in a bad mood? Give a nice flick of the R2 button (PS3 here) and watching their goods go a flying! Ever go skydiving with the shout "Become Ethereal" I believe it is? So I ask you, did anyone share my first, ignorant opinions of the shouts that would be appearing in the newest edition of The Elder Scrolls?
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