And you call these graphics bad?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:14 pm

Those are great examples, as I think Oblivion was more consistent. If just going by the whole look of everything from even minor distances, Skyrim's great. But Oblivion had better textures on most items up close. Anyway, I've mentioned Just Cause 2 here a few times before and the graphics in that game is awesome, and it is a completely open world game. The area, in perspective, is about twice the size of Oblivion. Here are a few screenshots, of water, rocks, and distance areas and the textures are all awesome. The lighting and weather effects in this game are better than Skyrim's. Too bad the story, voice acting and plot is horrid. Had Beth used this engine, it would have been WOW! (The format is JPEG, sorry didn't want to wait for uploading the images)





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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:36 am

I updated my Radeon driver last night and now my game EASILY runs on ultra... Hurray! The graphics are great.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:28 pm

It's not just the graphics. If it weren't for consoles, there would be no need for cells, for example. Also the interface for a PC game is far superior (the interface for a console to PC port, however...).
Consoles are stopping the game from having individual pieces of armor, from having levitation, from having greater LOD. It's fine that you want to play console games, but making a game for PC and console at the same time makes the game at console level.

another clueless person. consoles have nothing to do with that.
this game is made for console and pc, not pc -> console
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:47 am

It's not the graphics are bad... It's that the graphics are really, really, really, random.

SOME stuff looks beautiful.

SOME stuff looks like PS2/original xbox quality.

It's all over the place. Go to the Alchemy shop in Windhelm... The White Vial.... It looks absolutely disgusting... The graphics punch you in the eyes, they are so hideous. Yet step outside and it looks beautiful.

So THAT is the problem. Some textures are great, some are awful. There is no consistency, and the abrupt changes are really distracting. It should all be at a consistent level of quality.
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:32 am

another clueless person. consoles have nothing to do with that.
this game is made for console and pc, not pc -> console

That's what I'm saying...
Making it for PC and then adapting it for console would be the best bet. That way they can strip away all the stuff that PCs can do and consoles can't.
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:05 am

Why is it that no matter how good a game looks there's always console players (like me) saying how beautiful the game looks and always PC players useing terms like horrible and terrible and bad? I personally don't like to involve myself in the all but silent war between consoles and PC players, but at least console players are appreciative.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:43 pm

another clueless person. consoles have nothing to do with that.this game is made for console and pc, not pc -> console

Don't say he's clueless when you're the one being it.
There was a lot of complaints about walled-in cities in Oblivion being in separated cells, and Bethesda themselves explained that it was because the consoles couldn't handle the cities being, like in Morrowind (which, not coincidentally, was first developped on PC...), open in the world.
The removal of levitation mainly due to this separation in different cells.

And Skyrim has not been made for console and pc, it's been made for console and straight ported on PC, as the textures, interface and same walled-in cities in separated cells pove plainly.
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:05 pm

Those are great examples, as I think Oblivion was more consistent. If just going by the whole look of everything from even minor distances, Skyrim's great. But Oblivion had better textures on most items up close. Anyway, I've mentioned Just Cause 2 here a few times before and the graphics in that game is awesome, and it is a completely open world game. The area, in perspective, is about twice the size of Oblivion. Here are a few screenshots, of water, rocks, and distance areas and the textures are all awesome. The lighting and weather effects in this game are better than Skyrim's. Too bad the story, voice acting and plot is horrid. Had Beth used this engine, it would have been WOW! (The format is JPEG, sorry didn't want to wait for uploading the images)






Looks pretty good to me:
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Rebekah Rebekah Nicole
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:55 pm

what is it with people and grthe fx on skyrim are great If you want the best possible graphics in a open world (game) which is comepletely up to you what you do and how you do it full stop [censored] off outside ;p

ps i am not liable for any deaths incurred by this statement lol
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:43 pm

The texture artists at Beth could have done every texture 4096x4096 if they wanted to but like in all game companies they had a texture budget imposed upon them. That's why we see great textures with blurry textures co-existing next to each other. When I heard the Skyrim was going to be a 6 gig game, I knew the graphics weren't going to be varied and high-rez across the board. But at least textures are easier to fix.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:44 pm

The texture artists at Beth could have done every texture 4096x4096 if they wanted to but like in all game companies they had a texture budget imposed upon them. That's why we see great textures with blurry textures co-existing next to each other. When I heard the Skyrim was going to be a 6 gig game, I knew the graphics weren't going to be varied and high-rez across the board. But at least textures are easier to fix.

Texture budget ?
Because somehow the number of pixels on your texture make it more expensive ? <_<
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Penny Flame
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:52 pm

Texture budget ?
Because somehow the number of pixels on your texture make it more expensive ? <_<

Already texture mods are coming out. A full texture mod, the first is in the works already. In time there will be multiple ones to choose from. No such luck for consoles.

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:04 pm

Looks pretty good to me:

Those are selective shots. They look real nice, but if you get close to any rocks or most plant and large objects in buildings, you won't get the results your images project. Don't get me wrong, Skyrim is a beautiful game, it just uses lo-res textures for the most part.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:19 am

The texture artists at Beth could have done every texture 4096x4096 if they wanted to but like in all game companies they had a texture budget imposed upon them. That's why we see great textures with blurry textures co-existing next to each other. When I heard the Skyrim was going to be a 6 gig game, I knew the graphics weren't going to be varied and high-rez across the board. But at least textures are easier to fix.

Wait, what? HuH? You can't be serious. :wacko:
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Robert Jr
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:18 am

I took this screenshot playing on the ps3

Children in Africa think having a bread each day is great already.

Cildren in American think three meals aren't enough.

The graphics is good to you because you've only experienced what a PS3 can do.

Others think it's not as good because they've seen better in their lifes.
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:36 pm

what is it with people and grthe fx on skyrim are great If you want the best possible graphics in a open world (game) which is comepletely up to you what you do and how you do it full stop [censored] off outside ;p

ps i am not liable for any deaths incurred by this statement lol

I couldn't make one iota of your post into anything coherent :facepalm:
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:36 am

Thread seems trollish? I don't know...

The graphics aren't that bad really, I wish the animations were better if anything- they're terrible compared to other games.
But honestly, I love Morrowind more than Skyrim simply because I find it more engaging- but there's reasons for that.

Some gamers really just care about the graphics, others care about gameplay (which I think is the most important element),
and then there are some that really just care about the setting/story. And there are those that care more about the
characters themselves than anything else, story included.

That said, I really just wish the game was smoother and was more involved. It really feels too similar to Fallout 3 and
LESS like Morrowind, if that makes any sense. But that's just my perspective here...
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:30 am

Thread seems trollish? I don't know...

The graphics aren't that bad really, I wish the animations were better if anything- they're terrible compared to other games.
But honestly, I love Morrowind more than Skyrim simply because I find it more engaging- but there's reasons for that.

Some gamers really just care about the graphics, others care about gameplay (which I think is the most important element),
and then there are some that really just care about the setting/story. And there are those that care more about the
characters themselves than anything else, story included.

That said, I really just wish the game was smoother and was more involved. It really feels too similar to Fallout 3 and
LESS like Morrowind, if that makes any sense. But that's just my perspective here...

I can agree with this, somewhat. Game-play, story and especially role playing where my choices have effects on the plots are most important to me. The graphics are decent. It's just the over-use of lo-res textures that get nasty looking when you get near objects. Anyway, considering I have the hardware, nice graphics and effects should accompany the game as well. I agree with the animations too. If you want good animations, realistic fighting and tactics with an isometric view where it has a detachable camera view, with decent graphics, all with awesome RPG elements, try Dragon Age: Origins, if you haven't already. Considering the game itself is almost 18gigs, it still looks just OK for the most part (some look worse than you can imagine), but the animations and characters look awesome when graphically maxed out.
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