Quick question. Are the trees in Ald-Ruhn supposed have a sort of glowing-white-ish quality? Mine look like this: [img]http://imgur.com/xY1qd[/img]
or is it the game engine trying to simulate moonlight ? it's a nice screenshot though, if there is something wrong with the model it tends to be a lot brighter than that, how do other trees in that area look ?
I don't use MGSO but I think it's a http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1243856-relz-uc-nature/page__view__findpost__p__19050989. See papill6n's post a couple down from Syrcanus' (#67)
Whenever i use AA with MGE XE and MSGO i get some trees that look like they have tiny sparkly lights on the branches that start to twinkle when i walk, sometimes on the edges of armors as well. Have to leave AA off for now i guess...
Guys my fix is here just to fix the white outlines on day around the edges of the leaves textures. Here on your pciture it's just a glow effect from the original texture of the Vurt trees from his mod Ashland Overhaul. So you just have to ask at Vut for that.
[Edit] mhmm I'm not sure anymore if the bug on your picture are the same that mine or not. :facepalm: