No, the stormcloaks are a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, beer drinking, racist, homophobes who stink of Nord stink and who need to be stomped by a Nord dragonborn and sent to Hammerfell as slaves. Sure, a few of of them might have outstanding qualities, but their whole organization is based on intolerance and a sense of entitlement. The Altmer Dominion asks only for a little cooperation.
Uneducated? First off, it's called the Aldmeri Dominion. Before you call the Stormcloaks uneducated, please take steps to ensure that you yourself are educated, especially the correct spelling of your overlords. It's the least they would expect from a lowly willing slave like you.
Beer drinking? What's wrong with that?
Homophobes? If you put on the amulet of mara on in Windhelm, you'll find that there are many openly gay people who will hit on you out in the streets.
Intolerance? You mean like how the Aldmeri Dominion is intolerant of Talos worship? So we seem to have a confused statement from you. Apparently it is not ok for Nords to be intolerant, but it is ok for the Aldmeri Dominion?
Sense of entitlement? Skyrim is their freakin' country. Since when is wanting to take charge of their own country considered self-entitlement? What kind of planet are you on where you think other countries telling you how to run your country and telling you what you can or cannot worship is considered acceptable?
Ignorant? Your entire post is filled with ignorance where your only source seems to be listening to what your friends tell you, so it's pure gold to see this coming from you.
1500 and a chance to do the right thing. My Nord is an evil alchemy poisoner, what do you expect?
Selling out your countryman for 1500 gold is the right thing? You want to sell out your entire country while you're at it? You should be thrown into the dungeons and left to rot.