Morrowind after the main quest. = mods that add quests / factions for after the game, My ideas of these kinda mods would be things like a Roht for the main quest that would let you expand on being the saviour of morrowind and maybe even a city built in your name like vivec or mournhold. -a mod I always wanted someone to make was something like the above but for the great houses, having the saviour of morrowind and a reincarnate god in you great house or as the leader should mean that there stronghold is something above the rest , i personally use uviriths legacy and building up uviriths legacy ( telvanni xD ) but a whole new set of quests and a new location and stronghold / city for the leader of the faction if they have completed the main quest would be sweet.
Tamriel Rebuilt is an amazing project and i love there work , but i am confused with weither or not they are planning to make The dres part of morrowind and if they are how long away it will be. it seems most people had little interest in house dres compared to indoril and the other great houses but i personally always wanted to see a complete house dres and tear mod , it probably makes me sound like a bad person wanting to play as the house that is dependant on slaves for production and power but i think it is a huge part of morrowind lore and really needed to be involved more. any mods that add house dres to the game - even if it is on vvardenfell island - please link them or if anyone is interested in making a house dres mod incase tamriel rebuilt takes a few years or skips it completly please link any betas or ideas about it would love to hear about them.
the last mod that i would love to see in the game is a mod that expands on building , you need a construction contract to build your strongholds in the original game but im not talking about strongholds there is a mod that lets you build your own little town I think but im not sure it is called builder i liked thsi mod it was pretty boring ( no offence to the creater of course ) but it was boring because it was all you build this then you build this and it didnt give you the options of location or the style of buildings. what i would love to see is a mod that lets you build a town settlement or city in almost any location in morrowind ( TR locations would be amazing aswell. ) and lets you choose the building style even the layout perhaps, i recon this kind of mod would be great i loved playing bloodmoon for the first time and building ravenrock even though it is a really ugly town and it didnt have much options it was fun and the quests were pretty unique. this kind of mod with the after the main quests mods would be amazing together letting you build a huge dwarven city into a mountain or an immense telvanni city growing metres above a vast river or something xD im really just looking for soem mods that you dont have to replay exactly the same everytime mods that lets you expand but always give you heaps of options. if some of these mods were really to work a mod that expands your relationship with vivec and duke vedam dren and other leaders ( house councilers etc ) like a mod that would require you to go and meet with these people discuss ideas and things xD
anyway if anybody knows of any mods that are like these or think they have a mod that would be amazing to play even if the arent to do with the ideas above please link it i love morrowind its 2011 and i think it was released in 2002? and i still think it is one of the best games around if you add the right mods. if anyone knows how to mod but doesnt want to start a whole new project i would love
if you could point me in the right direction for making mods i would like to learn so i dont have to ask other people to make mods