How many of you have completed the Main Quest?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:35 am

If so, what do you think of it? Was it satisfying? I, for one found it to be great, could be better at parts though. Sovngarde = Awesomeness, I spent about 30 minutes wondering there before returning back :)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:00 pm

I still have yet finished the quest though I am only a few quests away from it

I am on the part of the main quest where you trap the dragon in dragonsreach

I had to finished the DB and Theives guild first plus just a whole bunch of random ones.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:52 am

Not going to lie I found Oblivion's quest line a lot more interesting, and fun. I think the first missions where you help Jarl Balgruuf were pretty cool though, but it's hard for me to say that for the rest of it.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:18 am

Scenery is good, plot is lacking, overall, i'm satisfying.

Not going to lie I found Oblivion's quest line a lot more interesting, and fun. I think the first missions where you help Jarl Balgruuf were pretty cool though, but it's hard for me to say that for the rest of it.

same, I like Oblivion more
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:04 pm

Main quest was kind of weak. I wrapped it up in about 90 minutes once I set my mind to it. Which, coincidentally, wasn't much, because my hand was held through the whole thing.
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:43 am

Sovngarde was the best part. The very end was extremely underwhelming for me. I finished, hoping for a really kickass reward or something in relation to perhaps being told "Lol, you're the emperor now, Dragonb*tch"...
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:11 pm

Oh yea, I have a question to you who finished the main quest

When I arrived to the Riften in searching for another Blade member, I was forced to do a job for theif guild. I thought it was stupid but the guy just won't tell me where the old dude is. Did you guys have the same problem?

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Danny Warner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:14 pm

The only times I really enjoyed the main questline were when I was in Blackreach and Sovngard, which was more a case of enjoying the scenery than anything else. The storyline itself (like most of the questlines in the game) felt rather rushed... and the whole dragonborn concept didn't appeal to me at all.

Maybe i'm alone in this opinion, but I think I actually prefered Oblivion's main questline (which wasn't exactly great either). In this kind of game, I prefer the idea of supporting an NPC who is special or 'the One', rather than actually being 'the One' myself.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:13 pm

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:44 am

I haven't finished it. I've mainly been screwing around doing what I want when I want. I stopped doing the main quest once I met the leader of the Greybeards. I do a little at a time for each questline. I'm only level 23 and I've been playing really slowly. Makes the game worthwhile. Alot of people here who complain about the game have burnt themselves out from playing 100-200 hours within the first week.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:25 am

Oh yea, I have a question to you who finished the main quest

When I arrived to the Riften in searching for another Blade member, I was forced to do a job for theif guild. I thought it was stupid but the guy just won't tell me where the old dude is. Did you guys have the same problem?

You don't necessarily have to talk to Brynolf in order to talk to Esbern (the old guy) if you know where Esbern is in the first place. He's underground, there's a small iron gate leading to what is called The Ratways. It's near the water under riften, search around and you'll eventually find it.

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:04 am

I completed the entire thing without Fast Traveling once. I used the carrigaes a few times, but that was it.

My overall review? It was pretty intense. I found it's moral to be the most inspiring part. I felt connected to the characters in the story and I also felt as though I were truly dragonborn. The Bosmer that I completed the main quest with is special. I feel like I can do almost anything with him because he is in fact Dragonborn. My other chracters can't shout because I don't allow them too. I pretend the main quest doesn't exist on my other characters ...

I also came to a funny roleplay about the mainquest. My character is a Wood Elf, so I was wondering how I could be Dragonborn when I came to the conclusion that Dragonborn HAD to be Bosmer. The clan folk of Valenwood are small, underestimated creatures. People don't take them seriously, and in the lands of Skyrim ... they are disrespected. The arrogance and selfish nature of men was the very reason Skyrim was in a state of chaos. For an Elf to be dragonborn is almost eye opening to their entire race... and more importantly, that I ruled with class. I knew that it must have been painful for them to see a wood elf fulfilling the prophecies of their homeland, so I never flaunted my ability. I never shouted unless I absolutely had to, and I treated everyone with equal respect.

Now that I've finished it ... I feel like the world is open in a different way. Although it's identical to the world you started in, Elinroth is a little more special. I walk around knowing that I'm the one that killed the world eater. I'm the one that restored order to these lands. I'm the one that kills dragons. So the verdict?

Mindless people will probably be like "yeah it was whatever" ... but the people that truly filled the shoes of Dragonborn, BECAME their character, and fully experienced the way it was meant to be played ...

It was dope
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:28 pm

After about 85 hours in and completing all the guild quests and a large number of side quests, I set about finishing the MQ. It wasn't any more exciting than the completion of the guild quests in my opinion. And, I felt a bit let down when it was finished. I still have 6 1/2 towns left to really explore, so mostly looking forward to that.
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lillian luna
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:16 pm

Felt half as long/difficult as it should have been, and I was disappointed we were never allowed any kind of back and forth dialogue with Alduin, along with the lackluster effect on the world after. Overall, it felt entirely phoned-in rather than something they actually cared to make.
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:20 am

Maybe i'm alone in this opinion, but I think I actually prefered Oblivion's main questline (which wasn't exactly great either). In this kind of game, I prefer the idea of supporting an NPC who is special or 'the One', rather than actually being 'the One' myself.

When exactly in Morrowind/Oblivion you can't be "the One" itself?

In Morrowind, you're the Nerevarine, and after the MQ everyone keeps remembering you that. In Oblivion it's just the same, being the Champion of Cyrodiil. At least in Skyrim it's more discrete, it's like "yeah, I've saved both this life and the afterlife, but with everybody barely noticing". That suits me far better than having tons of annoying fans every time I visit a city.

Same thing about the guilds. At least in the Companions, you aren't the Arch-Mega-Grandmaster, but merely a respected elder advisor.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:46 am



I don't know how to do Spoiler tags, so above notice is there instead.

I was very disappointed when the main quest was finished, here's my reasons why: Throughout the entire game, you can ask Jarls "What are you doing to protect [City Name] from Dragons?" And NEVER in the game, does a city fall under attack from a Dragon. Sure, Dragonsreach was fun, but the Dragon isn't meant to be killed, and it isn't attacking the entire town/city. I was really looking forward to fighting a horde of no less then five Dragons, all at once, with the towns guard, inside each of the cities (Kinda like how Alduin attacked Helgan). The closest I've gotten is killing a single Dragon, in Dawnstar. But I don't even consider a city with no walls a city. More like a town (pisses me off that there's no carriage near those un-walled cities). Anyhow, if I had a PC, I would have hacked in some Dragons, and fought them off, but even then, it wouldn't be the same. The NPC's aren't programmed to talk about it after, and the Jarl would just ignore it. It would end up just killing quest related characters, and have no gain besides the Dragon Bones/Scales. However, I REALLY enjoyed Bleak Falls Barrow. I think it's cause the way the people in Riverwood act towards it that made it feel so good to finish it. Also, killing the Dragon at the Watchtower was good, they should have had more of that kind of combat.


In short, I enjoyed MOST of the main quest, but I think it could have been greatly improved.
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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:49 pm

i was 120 hours into the game before i even went to see the greybeards. morrowind was the pinnacle of openworld mainquest design with all its political intrigue and idiosyncrocies and judging by the very short and brief nature of all the guild quests im not really holding my breath for skyrims mainquest to be nearly as good.. then again thats not why i like these games. i played oblivions mainquest once and never touched it again. in fact i used a mod that completed it for me at the beginning of the game so i wouldnt have to listen to dialogue about it anymore.

im thinking (hoping actually) that the DLC will be the savior of this game questwise just like Shivering Isles pretty much saved oblivion. i spent more time in SI after that was released that i did in cyrodil itself.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:29 am

I've finished the main quest a while back.. Great story Imo all the way to thee end..

Well you'll see..
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:57 pm

I would have finished it if I didn't have a game breaking bug a few quests from the end.
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:25 pm

I finished it.
I liked the part where you first see Alduin resurecting a dragon then you kill it i was really happy when that happened. Also i liked meeting Parthurnaax and using the elder scroll to go back in time and witness the battle to banish Alduin.
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