» Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:31 am
When you stop playing Skyrim after taking an arrow in the knee and decide to become a police officer or security guard.
When you get into an argument, you try to use the Thu'um to obliterate the other person physically.
When Steam records your total time played as, "Go outside already."
When you've completed every possible Misc quest in the game and the game no longer generates more.
When you taught yourself Dragontongue and are more fluent in it than you are in Klingon (or your native language).
When you see a bird cast a very large shadow on the ground and you begin to yell, "DRAGON!!!"
When you go around collecting plants around your home for the purposes of crafting potions.
When you finally set your Steam status to "online" and all your friends message you saying they couldn't be sure if you had died or have just been playing Skyrim.
When you find yourself singing the Dovahkien Anthem, The Age of Aggression, or any of the other songs from the game in public.
When you see an old, bearded Catholic priest in his robes and ask him if he can teach you the Thu'um.
You actually counted the 7,000 steps to realize there's less than 1,000 of them.
When you put on school play of "The Lusty Argonian Maid."
When someone else is talking about Superman and says the "Fortress of Solitude" and instead of picturing a huge crystal cave in Antarctica, you imagine a big stone city with a pretty cute Jarl sitting in a throne.
When you lose your cat and try to attract it home by placing dishes of sugar outside your door.