Master vs. Expert vs. Adept vs. Apprentice vs. Novice

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:39 am

I voted for Adept,

(Master, is not for my nervs) -.-"
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:38 pm

And i have no idea why some of you are saying ''Master forces you to play cheaply'' it doesnt.. i use a 2h only and no cheap tactics, it works 0.o

People have different standards of what playing cheaply is, as well as what "working" is. For example, I use no potions whatsoever, as their instant nature pretty much makes them an exploit to me. Being able to instantly heal myself from a paused inventory while in combat is just not acceptable. Some people play "dead is dead" and a 2h only and no cheap tactics on master is probably not a viable option for said people.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:39 am

People have different standards of what playing cheaply is, as well as what "working" is. For example, I use no potions whatsoever, as their instant nature pretty much makes them an exploit to me. Being able to instantly heal myself from a paused inventory while in combat is just not acceptable. Some people play "dead is dead" and a 2h only and no cheap tactics on master is probably not a viable option for said people.

agree, but thats a rule they state upon themselfs imo, you can make this game as hard as you want, even on novice you can go out in nothing but a fancy hat and a woodcutting axe in 1 hand and make it hard on yourself

the slider only increased/decreased Health pools and enemy durability
and exploits are abundant, even withou knowing it you can exploit certain aspects in the game ( example: Blacksmithing your way up to 100 early game for best armor and whatnot) only you weapon skill will be lacking (console commands anyone?)

Dead is dead rule, is something i wont apply ( atleast not just yet, maybe on later characters) most games are enjoyable on medium or normal setting, as they are single player games there is no need for Epeen or showing off
The only reason for difficulty changes in single player games is personal preff.

The reason why i say this is becuz ive seen alot of post on this forum, from people who are playing on Master, claiming they are gods and whatnot... and that all player who dont play on master are total noobs ....
If only they realized this is a single player game and Personal achievements say nothing

Now if this where to be an MMO i can understand the boasting, ive played wow since it first launched ( 6-7 years ago?) and there you can brag all you want about Arena ratings and Boss progression, becuz its multiplayer, and multiplayer Contributes to Competition with other memebers, other guilds, etc etc

I just want people to stop Boasting on how they play this game on Master , just for the sake of it ...
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:18 am

I like Expert so far.
Haven't tried Master so I don't know how much more difficult it is, but Expert is fine.

Started on Adept but after a while I had too much money and I didn't know what to do with it.
That seriously breaks the suspension of disbelief.

On Expert you are more or less forced to stay ahead of the game.
You can't just simply walk into a dungeon in a ragged shirt with a torch and a dagger and expect everything is going to be fine.

I find myself putting more into the Armorer skill and craft armor for my companion, I use poisons more, I buy more potions, you actually bother recharging your enchanted gear etc...
Because you need to do all these things if you want to survive.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:46 am

I always have fun on the default game level. I'm powerful enough to get things done, but weak enough to not be over-powered.
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m Gardner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:17 pm

Master isn't even that hard.

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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:33 pm

Master isn't even that hard.

I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone said that.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:19 am

I'm playing on master since adept was too easy. Now whenever I lower the difficulty I have an urge to go back to master. I don't know why.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:13 pm

I always play on Adept.
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kat no x
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:50 pm

Expert so I don't get 1-2 shotted too many times and don't have to reload everytime xD
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:00 am

Why would someone play on Master? You do not get rewarded in anyway. I would play on master, if there was even slight bonus for doing it: more gold, unique random encounters, better loot ... anything.

If you want the game to be difficult. Use iron dagger against everything instead of changing difficulty. Pretty much same effect to gameplay.

I want to use my two-handed axe Wuuthrad - there feels little point in playing when everything dies so damned quickly - things die too quickly on Master - but sometimes I can still get one-shotted or badly hurt. I'm finding Master a lot more fun than adept... I don't understand people who say it's for power-players... I rp most of the time...
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:10 am

agree, but thats a rule they state upon themselfs imo, you can make this game as hard as you want, even on novice you can go out in nothing but a fancy hat and a woodcutting axe in 1 hand and make it hard on yourself

Yes, but without people creating such rules for themselves, all difficulty levels would be trivial.

For example if I wanted to create the absolutely most effective character I'd-
use the smithing/enchanting/alchemy exploits for absurd damage with any smithed weapon and insane enchants
use archery so I can maximize my health without worrying about stam much and kill things from safe range from stealth
wear light armor for it's superior perks since you can reach armor cap regardless of armor type
cap spell resist with quest reward, stone, perk or whatever - maybe Breton
use illusion/stealth for a character than pretty much hit and run any normal mobs with no risk
use calm to get sneak attacks on anything that gets the jump on my character, as well as control the majority of enemies in the game completely

etc. etc.
It'd be easy even on master, just tedious to build the character.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:37 pm

I guess it really depends on the character.

Both my Sword&Shield khajiit and my two handed orsimer didn't have any significant problems at master. Neither did my argonian assassin.

On the other hand, playing as a Altmer battlemage and a Nord Archer/Hunter is proving to be quite hard on master difficulty. I'll probably switch to expert on those.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:05 pm

I want to use my two-handed axe Wuuthrad - there feels little point in playing when everything dies so damned quickly - things die too quickly on Master - but sometimes I can still get one-shotted or badly hurt. I'm finding Master a lot more fun than adept... I don't understand people who say it's for power-players... I rp most of the time...

This. I'm using the Wuuthrad to and everything will die in 1-3 shots. If everything dies in 1-3 shots then I want to die just as quickly so the game can have balance for me. It's much more fun and makes me use my head rather than charge in hack n slash n repeat. I roleplay on any difficulty and I don't see why people say you can't on higher ones. :shakehead:
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:32 am

Expert. It's the right balance of difficult without having too many "lol one shot killed try again" moments.
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