Stormcloak or Imperial

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:09 am

Title says it all

Thanks :)
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George PUluse
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:40 am

Whichever you want to join..?
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:21 pm

Ulfric is a racist, I say Imperials. Imperials banned the worship of Talos I say Stormcloaks.

( Join the one you think has the right cause)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:00 pm

Yeah I really dont like either, is there a way to stay neutral or do I have to pick a side to progress in the main story.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:21 am

Which ever you want.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:57 pm

I chose to stand with the Empire when I learned the High King which Ulfric had killed was nothing more than a boy.
By this point I had finished a good chunk of the main quest staying neutral except to the Thalmor who hated me.
This makes Ulfric a bully of the worst sot, no matter how he trys to justify it.
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louise tagg
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:01 pm

You don't have to pick a side, the two questlines are independent of each other.

You have to play to at least the first dragon to finish the Whiterun part of the Civil War.

Edit: I fight for Titus Mede II!
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Stryke Force
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:50 am

Actually i kindda liked the imperials, due to the fact i followed Hadvar at the beginning sequence.
After all, he did try his best to defend me against Alduin's initial attack.

There was one time, when he went into the room full of Stormcloaks, he didn't just draw his sword and go crazy.
Instead went forward and said something "Calm down, im just here to talk, lets put down our weapons"
Now thats a guy i can respect.

From what i read so far:
Imperials may seem like a tyrant at first, but they seek racial harmony among the races in Skyrim.
Stormcloaks may seem like they're fighting for an honourable cause, but they're a very racist bunch.

My choice would be Imperial, but i'll need to play the game somemore to really decide.
I haven't yet seen a Stormcloak npc that earned my respect.
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:56 pm

Join the Stormcloaks! You can get a badass house in Windhelm and besides, Ulfric is damn awesome.
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Amber Ably
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:03 pm

Titus Mede II is lovely.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:44 am

I was on my way to go throw in with the Stormcloaks when I started to hear about the Dunmer situation in windhelm... Then I put my plans on hold. Didn't like the racist talk I was hearing. But I wasn't ready to join up on the other side as I'm into the DB quests and our goals right now are not exactly in line with the empire.

Before the game was released I was 100% stormcloak, but now Im not so sure. I'm going to finish the DB quests and then probably decide. Also Solitude house >>> Windhelm house. Does your property get confiscated when you pick a side?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:54 am

I went with the Empire.

Reason being if Skyrim wins their rebellion, the whole nation of Tamriel will crumble under boot of the Aldmeri Dominion (Thalmor). Much of the unpleasantness occurring in Skyrim conveniently helps out the Thalmor's plans, not to mention the big point of contention (banning the worship of Talos) was forced upon the Empire in the White-Gold Concordant.

Ulfirc is power hungry egomaniac and if someone took him out, the combined forces of Skyrim and the rest of the Empire would be greatly strengthened.

That's just how I RP it though.
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Connor Wing
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:49 pm

Ulfric Stormcloak is evil and idiotic, go with imperials they know how to take care of business.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:35 pm

Imperials aren't really that bad except they friends with Thalmor which is a no no. But Ulfric Stormcloak is racist to Argonians and Dark Elves and most of his men are Nords.
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:46 pm

Stormcloaks all the way. Empire is a thing of the past with them being puppets and all.
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:58 am

Imperials aren't really that bad except they friends with Thalmor which is a no no. But Ulfric Stormcloak is racist to Argonians and Dark Elves and most of his men are Nords.

The Empire are definitely not "friends" with the Thalmor. The coexist under a very tense and unstable treaty. Sort of like the Cold War.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:19 pm

The Empire are definitely not "friends" with the Thalmor. The coexist under a very tense and unstable treaty. Sort of like the Cold War.

Not really. They are more like Soviets and Cuba, latter being the empire. Their generals are hanging together, they have forts and troops in imperial territory. 100% puppet.
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:38 pm

Both sides are good in their ways.
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Lori Joe
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:32 pm

Go Stormcloaks.

Skyrim belongs to the Nords and the Empire is fascist scum!

Unless you're some puffed-up Elf svcking a wizards magic nipble I say down with the Legion!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:19 pm

Go Stormcloaks.

Skyrim belongs to the Nords and the Empire is fascist scum!

Unless you're some puffed-up Elf svcking a wizards magic nipble I say down with the Legion!

You sound like that one drunk character who actually hates elves. Skyrim belongs to everyone who lives in it. Didn't have any problems joining Stormcloaks as an orc. They even called me a true daughter of Skyrim :P
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:06 pm

I went with the Empire.

Reason being if Skyrim wins their rebellion, the whole nation of Tamriel will crumble under boot of the Aldmeri Dominion (Thalmor). Much of the unpleasantness occurring in Skyrim conveniently helps out the Thalmor's plans, not to mention the big point of contention (banning the worship of Talos) was forced upon the Empire in the White-Gold Concordant.

Ulfirc is power hungry egomaniac and if someone took him out, the combined forces of Skyrim and the rest of the Empire would be greatly strengthened.

That's just how I RP it though.

Some good points but I feel you forgot to factor in the most important political power: You. As a Dragonborn you are capable of wearing the Amulet of Kings and able to light the Dragon Fires/Pyres. Which means you yourself could become (technically) a new Emperor and unite the crumbled dynasty behind you. Along with possibly being able to unite currently warring countries in order to defeat the one power everybody hates: The Aldmeri Dominion. So siding with the Stormcloaks could technically be more epic if a longer run of the game were possible.

Come to think of it, I'd like to see a big mod in the future based on the Thalmor.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:03 am

Not really. They are more like Soviets and Cuba, latter being the empire. Their generals are hanging together, they have forts and troops in imperial territory. 100% puppet.

I think you have got it all wrong.

The empire were at war with them known as "the great war". This was as you have probably heard one of the bloodiest in empire history. The empire and the Talmor are at a very thin line of peace with each other. That "hanging out" talk you got there, I have no idea where you got that from. The only reason the Talmor have an embassy and justacars walking about is because to see that the empire is following the white-gold concordant and suppress people that still oppose the Talmor.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:48 am

I think you have got it all wrong.

The empire were at war with them known as "the great war". This was as you have probably heard one of the bloodiest in empire history. The empire and the Talmor are at a very thin line of peace with each other. That "hanging out" talk you got there, I have no idea where you got that from. The only reason the Talmor have an embassy and justacars walking about is because to see that the empire is following the white-gold concordant and suppress people that still oppose the Talmor.

Ok sorry. I actually meant to say like Soviets and East Germany...
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Trista Jim
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:19 pm

Some good points but I feel you forgot to factor in the most important political power: You. As a Dragonborn you are capable of wearing the Amulet of Kings and able to light the Dragon Fires/Pyres. Which means you yourself could become (technically) a new Emperor and unite the crumbled dynasty behind you. Along with possibly being able to unite currently warring countries in order to defeat the one power everybody hates: The Aldmeri Dominion. So siding with the Stormcloaks could technically be more epic if a longer run of the game were possible.

Come to think of it, I'd like to see a big mod in the future based on the Thalmor.

Well, I haven't gotten that far in the Main Quest yet, haven't even talked to the Grey Beards. So, my opinion is mainly from Lore knowledge and reading the in-game books. If I actually turn out to be Dragonborn ( :wink: ) then I would much rather try to improve and re-order an intact and existing Empire than try to build one from the ground up.

I think you have got it all wrong.

The empire were at war with them known as "the great war". This was as you have probably heard one of the bloodiest in empire history. The empire and the Talmor are at a very thin line of peace with each other. That "hanging out" talk you got there, I have no idea where you got that from. The only reason the Talmor have an embassy and justacars walking about is because to see that the empire is following the white-gold concordant and suppress people that still oppose the Talmor.

Exactly and bravo. The in game book "The Great War" opened my eyes.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:17 am

Empire is the puppets of the aldmeri dominion. And the racists nords are nothing compared to the racist high elves.

If you talk alittle to the highelves you will find that they think that man is a lesser beast in the food chain compared to the ("Mer").

So conclusion is empire works for aldmeri dominion which makes the empire evil. Nords are racists but they still show respect to all who can best them in combat. High elves just tries to stab you in the back if they cant defeat you head on.

And Ralof is the person who shows you kindness as you are heading the headsmen block. [censored] the empire.
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