I'd imagine the Crusader joining the Imperial Legion, plundering dungeons, thwarting evil beings, smiting savage beasts - and doing nothing intentionally unlawful (ex. stealing, murdering, etc.). Would he do things like mine/hunt/smith, or does he rely on equipment he finds? And the rogue/mage - I understand the rogue part (stealing, pickpocketing, smoothtalking). But what about the mage part? What would a mage NOT be caught doing? Would he not swim, plunder ruins, hunt or mine? Do mages seek out treasure and adventure, or are they your typical snobbish spellcaster; reading books incessantly and otherwise being stagnant (as in a dorm, or home). I'm just asking for guidance on these classes to those who do D&D, or have roleplayed these classes in other games. Even pointing to a website I can check out myself would help.