After reading all the crazy negativity about Skyrim here, I thought I would start out by saying I really enjoyed this game. I just have some small suggestions that would take something like this from good to great. I had a good time playing it, and was worth the hours of entertainment I got from it. Well done! I do however have some small critique on the game that may help with your next endevour, Bethesda Boffins.
1) Involve the character more. The character responses you get to chose from are just plain bad. A lot more effort should have gone into this. Just because people tell you you are the Dragonborn doesn't make you feel special. As your speech went up you should have gotten a lot of options in conversation with NPCs that you don't get normally. I felt the NPCs were doing all the role playing. This is supposed to be an epic role play not you playing a character who never seems like he or she gives two hoots about anything. More involving conversation options and more of them would have been much, much more immersive. Please remember conversation and story are the most important things in a role playing game, get this right and you have a winner regardless of system.
2) A story line with a serious villain who you really care about. Let me give you an example of what I mean here. John Irenicus from Baldur's Gate II. He had motive, power, brilliance, ambition, a real background and in the end you really wanted to hurt that *&^%$#@er. You were connected to him. Alduin was meh. He was trying to destroy the world like every other lame villain from every other story these days you can think of, for no real reason you ever get to find out. Great. I just didn't feel involved with him at all.
3) Inventory system. Oh god! Please stop with this! Can someone please come up with something that doesn't drive you insane? I wanna play the game not become some sort of crazy pack rat sorting my thingz. Skyrim's system is out dated and really needs a bit more thought. This is the only thing that REALLY ticked me off about the game. Along with crashing and losing 15 mins of gameplay.
Fix these things and you will have a classic on your hands. Hell, hire me! I will help you with the story boarding and character interaction and conversation options. The environments, animation and sound in this game were second to none. A bit more character substance, more making the player care about the story and your character and this game would have been an all time classic.
Well done though and thank you for putting so much effort into this, it was well worth the money and the reason I am posting this is because I care and want to see something truly epic in the furture.