Balance smithing by requiring advanced materials to level.

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:02 pm

I am not a min-maxer power gaming who cheats themselves into thinking that is a win, rather I roleplay my characters. Mine is a rogue dunmer who after making the hide helmet at the first blacksmith, realized all those hunting leathers and looted ores can make him more loot gold. Problem it is very easy to level smithing just by smithing your loot with every wack of your smiths hammer. Without trying to power game I am at lvl 30, my archery and sneak are in the 60's while my smith skill is in the 80's. Since the smith does not sell enhanced armours, only enchanted, seems like every build except a pure mage needs smithing.

So I suggest for a patch that the type of loot that can be processed to earn smithing levels be the same as the perk tree, get to high level and you will need to smith daedric to level up smithing (and thus your overall level). Then to level up will have to bring back some dwemer metals from the ruin and not just leather bracers from all the elk that you shot on your way back. It is rather silly the perk constellation has you advancing in materials skill, yet you don't have to actually use those materials to advance smithing and character level. This will bring the smithing levels more in line with the natural skill up the game promised.
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