You won't find a higher damaging sword than mace or axe, in the sense that an Iron mace has more base damage than an Iron Sword, Steel Mace more than Steel Sword, Dwarven Mace more than Dwarven Sword, etc. But swords swing faster than maces and axes, so their DPS (damage per second) ends up being about the same. This is just an example, but say a sword swings twice as fast as a mace but only does 1/2 the damage per hit, you still end up doing the same damage over all. That's what's going on here: it's not 1/2, it's more like 83%, but the point is the same. Axes do more damage per hit than swords, but swords swing and hit more often. Maces are the slowest, but hit for the most damage. But again, in the end it all pretty much balances out. It up to your play style. If you like swords more than maxes or axes, stick to them. You aren't using an inferior weapon if you use swords. I only use swords, if that makes you feel a little better.

Edit: Clarification and Spelling