Well I am done with this game for now

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:03 pm

You said the game punishes you for having a wide array of skill focuses but then go on to complain how your specialized character wasn't suited for one quest?


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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:15 pm

I used to value peoples opinions... Then I came onto this Forum and saw how unorigonal some opinions are.

Don't get me wrong, I could talk all day about how amazing this game is, and all week about it's faults and failures. I still love it, still play it. I sympathsize with alot of peoples complaints, but it's the same rant-thread after another.

Do you think the game svcks? Yeah you are not alone. Think the game is great? You are not alone. We [censored] get it!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:35 am

I for one LOVE that specialized characters are more encouraged in Skyrim. As much as I liked previous TES characters the fact you could play all roles really hurt the roleplaying aspect of them. Now you do have to roleplay and adapt to situations as your role dictates... that's the essence of roleplaying games! It's a good thing!

A brute will not be able to sneak in the Thalmor mission, requiring you to bludgeon your way through it... that's the point! A brute with no thieving skills might not be suited to excel in the thieves guild... and that's the point! I love it.

What you need to do OP is not try and do everything with one character anymore. That's not really roleplaying and it doesn't work as well in Skyrim. Do everything suited to your warrior character (Companions, Legion or Stormcloaks, main quest) and then start a sneaky archer/one-handed character and do the thieves and dark brotherhood, or a mage character for the college and daedra quests, or whatever floats your boat. This is what I am doing and am very much enjoying it.
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:06 pm

I for one LOVE that specialized characters are more encouraged in Skyrim. As much as I liked previous TES characters the fact you could play all roles really hurt the roleplaying aspect of them. Now you do have to roleplay and adapt to situations as your role dictates... that's the essence of roleplaying games! It's a good thing!

A brute will not be able to sneak in the Thalmor mission, requiring you to bludgeon your way through it... that's the point! A brute with no thieving skills might not be suited to excel in the thieves guild... and that's the point! I love it.

What you need to do OP is not try and do everything with one character anymore. That's not really roleplaying and it doesn't work as well in Skyrim. Do everything suited to your warrior character (Companions, Legion or Stormcloaks, main quest) and then start a sneaky archer/one-handed character and do the thieves and dark brotherhood, or a mage character for the college and daedra quests, or whatever floats your boat. This is what I am doing and am very much enjoying it.

Well said. The Jack-of-all master-of-none doesn't work in this TES as it was in previous TES.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:18 pm

then I come to the next mission where I need to head to Riften to get some information about the whereabouts of a certain someone, however upon asking him for the info he says "hey how about I create a diversion while you steal something and slip it into somebodies pocket with those pickpocking skills you dont have?"

Wait, that's related to the main quest? :huh: I just explored the Ratway (that the quest giver mentioned being his propable location) and found him on my own.
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:40 pm

So yeah I am done, had enough for now, just not having fun anymore. So I am playing what is mostly a heavy armoured 2 hander weilding warrior and due to the limited perks and a system that punishes you for having too wide array of skills I decided on focusing more on the skills and perks that support this play style, so that means no bows, no stealth, no pickpocketing and that sort of thing and while I managed to suffer through the backpedaling Draugur mages who backpedal faster than I can move forward while swinging a sword and the [censored] dragons that wont [censored] land and go "trololo you need a bow to defeat me" even though I invested no perks or skills into it making any damage I do with a bow [censored] useless I finally run into the straw that broke the camels back.

So as I am going through the main quests I run into a mission where I need to infiltrate a Thalmor embassy, oh joy just the mission my character is totally unsuited for. So I go along with the motions, and after the Wood Elf leads me out of the party room I am supposed to somehow sneak past all the Thalmor guards and recover the evidence, problem is 1) my sneak skill is pitiful so as soon as I enter the same room as a guard he notices me making it impossible to sneak through, 2) even if I could sneak up to a guard trying to stealth kill him is impossible due to the fact that any damage I do with a 1 handed weapon is pitiful even with the sneak bonus and dont get me started on my bow damage, so my only option is to go bezerk and make as much noise as possible while I slaughter everyone in the embassy and while I know that this is still a viable option to complete the mission it just feels so [censored] stupid and counter intuitive to the initial mission plan, why bother with sneaking me in with a phony invitation if I am just going to turn the mission into a [censored] bloodbath? Why dont I just kick down the [censored] door and do it that way?

Anyway dispite how [censored] stupid the previous mission was I managed to put it out of my mind and slaughter my way through the embassy however then I come to the next mission where I need to head to Riften to get some information about the whereabouts of a certain someone, however upon asking him for the info he says "hey how about I create a diversion while you steal something and slip it into somebodies pocket with those pickpocking skills you dont have?" and I just decided thats it, I have had enough, of course there is the option to bypass the mission with the speech skills I dont have however I feel at level 27 it may be a bit late to be training the skills that I need to pass the main quest and I cant be bothered starting a new character just yet, so I am taking a break and might wait for the Construction kit to come out before I start again, who knows perhaps there will be some cool mods released by then and perhaps Bethesda will release a patch that fixes a few of the problems with their [censored] UI.

If you doing the Heavy armor dual (fixed it for ya Sanctuary) wield thing like me :foodndrink: , avoid the dragon till it lands because once it does, I normally finish them off with 5 to 6 swings. No biggie. If your playing this kinda dude, turning parties into bloodbaths is what you do! Never heard of a full plate warrior sneaking around lol. I love that, I love it when Im sent to steal or gather evidence, I do go to the front door and bloodbath my way to the objective. Hey these guys wanna attack a full plated dragon born, thier problem. More souls for my black gems hehe.
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Baby K(:
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:23 am

Give the guy a break. He paid for the product and the most logical place to complain about what he doesn't like about it is these forums.

Though I have to say most of the quests are made for 3 different main classes, so you shouldn't be able to do them all with just one character anyway. It's in for replayability.
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Joey Bel
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:22 am

So yeah I am done, had enough for now, just not having fun anymore. So I am playing what is mostly a heavy armoured 2 hander weilding warrior and due to the limited perks and a system that punishes you for having too wide array of skills I decided on focusing more on the skills and perks that support this play style, so that means no bows, no stealth, no pickpocketing and that sort of thing and while I managed to suffer through the backpedaling Draugur mages who backpedal faster than I can move forward while swinging a sword and the [censored] dragons that wont [censored] land and go "trololo you need a bow to defeat me" even though I invested no perks or skills into it making any damage I do with a bow [censored] useless I finally run into the straw that broke the camels back.

So as I am going through the main quests I run into a mission where I need to infiltrate a Thalmor embassy, oh joy just the mission my character is totally unsuited for. So I go along with the motions, and after the Wood Elf leads me out of the party room I am supposed to somehow sneak past all the Thalmor guards and recover the evidence, problem is 1) my sneak skill is pitiful so as soon as I enter the same room as a guard he notices me making it impossible to sneak through, 2) even if I could sneak up to a guard trying to stealth kill him is impossible due to the fact that any damage I do with a 1 handed weapon is pitiful even with the sneak bonus and dont get me started on my bow damage, so my only option is to go bezerk and make as much noise as possible while I slaughter everyone in the embassy and while I know that this is still a viable option to complete the mission it just feels so [censored] stupid and counter intuitive to the initial mission plan, why bother with sneaking me in with a phony invitation if I am just going to turn the mission into a [censored] bloodbath? Why dont I just kick down the [censored] door and do it that way?

Anyway dispite how [censored] stupid the previous mission was I managed to put it out of my mind and slaughter my way through the embassy however then I come to the next mission where I need to head to Riften to get some information about the whereabouts of a certain someone, however upon asking him for the info he says "hey how about I create a diversion while you steal something and slip it into somebodies pocket with those pickpocking skills you dont have?" and I just decided thats it, I have had enough, of course there is the option to bypass the mission with the speech skills I dont have however I feel at level 27 it may be a bit late to be training the skills that I need to pass the main quest and I cant be bothered starting a new character just yet, so I am taking a break and might wait for the Construction kit to come out before I start again, who knows perhaps there will be some cool mods released by then and perhaps Bethesda will release a patch that fixes a few of the problems with their [censored] UI.

So many spoilers in this.

Anyway, for the Riften quest that you are talking about (this was annoying me as well):

Just talk to the bartender

You also do need some kind of ranged damage in this game whether you like it or not. You don't need to invest any perks into it though.

If you doing the Heavy armor duel weild thing like me

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Sammi Jones
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:27 pm

So as a 2handed warrior tell me how am I supposed to defeat a Dragon who constantly flies around and wont land? Unless I am missing something the only 2 options I see here are magic and bow, both of which my character does not have any perks of skills invested in. And while I know I can complete the Thalmor Embassy by rushing through with a melee weapon however I can only suspend my disbelief so much, its like rushing through a mission in the Hitman series of games by turning into a shootfest, sure you can complete the mission this way and in most cases it is even easier to do however it just feels like you are missing the whole point of the mission. The mission the games are giving me so far make me feel like I should have rolled a thief and the alternative is to complete the mission in a half arsed way.

First of all: Shouts. You have them. Use them.

Second of all: Dragons land eventually. If it doesn't, then you get under a rock until it does. You use companions. You use your brain.

Third of all: Nothing about the quest you're referring to requires a stealthy approach. Not one thing. You decided that it was supposed to be a stealth mission. On your own. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from doing the mission in whatever manner you choose. You don't need to sneak through it, and if you are sneaking through it, you don't need to avoid creating a bloody mess in your wake. In fact, without some kind of distraction/Invisibility effect, you will be detected during that mission.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:20 am

I played a 2H warrior. To get in melee range, use shouts. To bring dragons down, use shouts. Why act stealthy if your character is a warrior. CK won't help you.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:54 pm

I think people arent getting the message from OP. OP is saying the game punish you in a way forcing your character to do something he/she didnt prepare for, especially when engaging main story.

the thalmor mission for example, is impossible for anyone who did not prepare for it. one might think since its part of mq, the stealth part shouldnt be hard. It only turn out the only other way to do the quest is slaughtering every guards on sight, and that simply doesn't make sense in terms of plot, and broke my immersion as well.

for this particular quest, id suggest the game should give player invisibility potion, for a price of course.

now to the Riften part, while yes, the pickpocket part is easy for any character build, but i don't understand why would the mq force you to do a job for thief guild. when i'm RPing a lawful guy, i dont even want to talk to thief guild, let alone stealing for them. and once you accept the quest, by accident or not knowing the consequent, there is no turning back, you cant go train your speech skill and come back hoping to finish the quest the othet way around.

just something to think about before telling OP is playing the game wrong ;)
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:40 am

I played a 2H warrior. To get in melee range, use shouts. To bring dragons down, use shouts. Why do stealth missions if your character is a warrior. CK won't help you.

Have you even progressed that far into the game? Both quests are part of the main quest.

now to the Riften part, while yes, the pickpocket part is easy for any character build, but i don't understand why would the mq force you to do a job for thief guild. when i'm RPing a lawful guy, i dont even want to talk to thief guild, let alone stealing for them. and once you accept the quest, by accident or not knowing the consequent, there is no turning back, you cant go train your speech skill and come back hoping to finish the quest the othet way around.

You don't even need to do the pickpocket part, just talk to the bartender. It's rather counterintuitive though considering how much the game holds a person's hand up until then.

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Robert Devlin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:06 pm

Have you even progressed that far into the game? Both quests are part of the main quest.

I've beaten it. The Thalmor mission doesn't need stealth, and the Riften mission wasn't in the MQ. Unless he means the one in the MQ where you can fail and get past it.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:47 pm

I think people arent getting the message from OP. OP is saying the game punish you in a way forcing your character to do something he/she didnt prepare for, especially when engaging main story.

the thalmor mission for example, is impossible for anyone who did not prepare for it. one might think since its part of mq, the stealth part shouldnt be hard. It only turn out the only other way to do the quest is slaughtering every guards on sight, and that simply doesn't make sense in terms of plot, and broke my immersion as well.

for this particular quest, id suggest the game should give player invisibility potion, for a price of course.

now to the Riften part, while yes, the pickpocket part is easy for any character build, but i don't understand why would the mq force you to do a job for thief guild. when i'm RPing a lawful guy, i dont even want to talk to thief guild, let alone stealing for them. and once you accept the quest, by accident or not knowing the consequent, there is no turning back, you cant go train your speech skill and come back hoping to finish the quest the othet way around.

just something to think about before telling OP is playing the game wrong ;)

It doesn't. Of course, I could complain endlessly about the main quest forcing my stealth-based character into fighting dragons. But I don't, because that's a stupid complaint.

That quest makes perfect sense if you annihilate the entire embassy. There is absolutely nothing in the main quest storyline that doesn't allow for that to happen. Nothing. At all. If you believed that you had to be invisible the whole quest, that was your fault.

The OP isn't playing the game wrong. He's just playing it dumb. If you're going to make a character that specializes in one type of combat, then you learn strategies for that character.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:48 am

An invisibility potion is your friend, bro.
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:29 pm

What's the problem? Just run in and smash everything who cares if they try to make it a sneak mission doesn't mean its the only way to do it.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:41 pm

So yeah I am done, had enough for now, just not having fun anymore. So I am playing what is mostly a heavy armoured 2 hander weilding warrior and due to the limited perks and a system that punishes you for having too wide array of skills I decided on focusing more on the skills and perks that support this play style, so that means no bows, no stealth, no pickpocketing and that sort of thing and while I managed to suffer through the backpedaling Draugur mages who backpedal faster than I can move forward while swinging a sword and the [censored] dragons that wont [censored] land and go "trololo you need a bow to defeat me" even though I invested no perks or skills into it making any damage I do with a bow [censored] useless I finally run into the straw that broke the camels back.

So as I am going through the main quests I run into a mission where I need to infiltrate a Thalmor embassy, oh joy just the mission my character is totally unsuited for. So I go along with the motions, and after the Wood Elf leads me out of the party room I am supposed to somehow sneak past all the Thalmor guards and recover the evidence, problem is 1) my sneak skill is pitiful so as soon as I enter the same room as a guard he notices me making it impossible to sneak through, 2) even if I could sneak up to a guard trying to stealth kill him is impossible due to the fact that any damage I do with a 1 handed weapon is pitiful even with the sneak bonus and dont get me started on my bow damage, so my only option is to go bezerk and make as much noise as possible while I slaughter everyone in the embassy and while I know that this is still a viable option to complete the mission it just feels so [censored] stupid and counter intuitive to the initial mission plan, why bother with sneaking me in with a phony invitation if I am just going to turn the mission into a [censored] bloodbath? Why dont I just kick down the [censored] door and do it that way?

Anyway dispite how [censored] stupid the previous mission was I managed to put it out of my mind and slaughter my way through the embassy however then I come to the next mission where I need to head to Riften to get some information about the whereabouts of a certain someone, however upon asking him for the info he says "hey how about I create a diversion while you steal something and slip it into somebodies pocket with those pickpocking skills you dont have?" and I just decided thats it, I have had enough, of course there is the option to bypass the mission with the speech skills I dont have however I feel at level 27 it may be a bit late to be training the skills that I need to pass the main quest and I cant be bothered starting a new character just yet, so I am taking a break and might wait for the Construction kit to come out before I start again, who knows perhaps there will be some cool mods released by then and perhaps Bethesda will release a patch that fixes a few of the problems with their [censored] UI.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:02 am

I have already leveled my character too far to start investing in other skills

Already leveled to far? Whaaa? You said your guy was like lvl 20 something. A ton of people around here are in the 50s or so, Youve got plenty of time to pick up a perk or two that will help you be a more well rounded character.

And seriously dragons all eventually land for at least a little bit. Use Fus Ro Dah to interrupt their shouts and stay in an open area and eventually they'll get pissed and drop down. I had the same problem when i went from my sneaky archer character to a sword and board heavy. Plus if you get Lydia or any other follower theyll plink arrows at dragons to get them to drop too.

Maybe instead of taking a break from the game, you take a break from the MQ? There is so much to do in this world. Go dungeon delving for a while. Go discover some ancient dwarven ruins *hint hint on some of the greatest parts of the game* If a quest line is making you mad, try playing another one for a while. Theres only 50 million of them. And in the end, if your still pissed and frustrated, then yeah do something else for a while. But IMO youre selling the game a little short.
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Michael Russ
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:20 am

Wow. Talk about overthinking it. Your damned either way by your own admisssion. Just kill everyone and move on. Your charactor doesn't even sound stealthy. Good Lord!!!
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