The Empire or The Stormcloaks

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:18 am

Guys please recommend which in-game books have details about the war and the surrendar and all of this stuff. Obviously the dosier's in the thalmor embassy but if you haven't gotten that far yet GO PLAY GAME! :D

I'll buy an endless supply of Skyrim DLC if it lets me fight the dominion.

Rising Threat
The Thalmor Dossiers
The Great War
Rise and Fall of the Blades perhaps
Flight From the Thalmor
The Monomyth (helps explain the religious roots of the conflict)
Nords Arise!
The Talos Mistake
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Joie Perez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:14 pm

Rising Threat
The Thalmor Dossiers
The Great War
Rise and Fall of the Blades perhaps
Flight From the Thalmor
The Monomyth (helps explain the religious roots of the conflict)
Nords Arise!
The Talos Mistake

While not about the war however sheds light on Ulfric;
"The Bear of Markarth"
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:22 am

If the Dominion was strong enough to continue the war after Red Ring they would not have signed the treaty. The Empire did need peace, but did not need to concede as much as they did to get it.

The terms of the treaty were the same thing as their ultimatum the Dominion sent to the Empire at the very start. The Dominion got what it wanted and because they got what they wanted at the very beginning they had no reason to contiune the war against the Empire.
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:01 pm

The terms of the treaty were the same thing as their ultimatum the Dominion sent to the Empire at the very start. The Dominion got what it wanted and because they got what they wanted at the very beginning they had no reason to contiune the war against the Empire.

Their goals in the war changed however from just wanting Hammerfell to wanting the Empire toppled. That's why they invaded Cyrodill and took the White-Gold Tower. Why just take one province when you can take the whole thing?

However after the defeat of Red Ring and the death of their general the Thalmor knew they were no longer in a position to do this, which is why they readily accepted it. Had the Thalmor believed they could have gotten more land, or fell the Empire they wouldn't have accepted.

Yes they got what they wanted, but they had to fight tooth and nail for it. The Empire didn't just lay down for the Thalmor like the Stormcloaks say they did. Its also wildly recognize by not only Imperial officers and leaders, but us, that this treaty is temporary.
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:05 pm

Their goals in the war changed however from just wanting Hammerfell to wanting the Empire toppled. That's why they invaded Cyrodill and took the White-Gold Tower. Why just take one province when you can take the whole thing?

However after the defeat of Red Ring and the death of their general the Thalmor knew they were no longer in a position to do this, which is why they readily accepted it. Had the Thalmor believed they could have gotten more land, or fell the Empire they wouldn't have accepted.

Yes they got what they wanted, but they had to fight tooth and nail for it. The Empire didn't just lay down for the Thalmor like the Stormcloaks say they did. Its also wildly recognize by not only Imperial officers and leaders, but us, that this treaty is temporary.

I know that the objective changed after the Empire lost the Imperial City so easily to the Dominion, see my edit in my eariler posts on this page. However the Dominion only kept a small force, enough to contiune the campaign to secure most of southern Hammerfell, in it. Most of their main forces were in Cyrodiil fighting the Empire. Yeah, that why I only had one character do the stormcloaks side. They're shortsighted and only care for Skyrim when the Thalmor are the main threat in Tamrial(besides Alduin of couse).
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:51 am

well after reading bear of Markarth, I now know i was right. Ulfric doesn't care about his people or his country. Why do these things to your people if your supposed to be their leader?
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Steve Smith
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:23 pm

Without the Empire Skyrim doesnt stand a chance against the Thalmor, the obvious choice is to side with the empire.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:19 pm

I really don't care if Ulfric is a [censored]. From what I've been told in-game, he challenged the High King to a duel and won. He didn't break Nordic law, he just got on the bad side of the Imperials (the same people who wish for all Nords to conform to their beliefs and customs) and has since rebelled. The Imperials here are in the wrong. If they need help against the Aldmeri Dominion, why can't they just offer to leave Skyrim alone and simply ask for help in repelling a threat both factions face? It doesn't make sense for them to make a peace treaty with the Elves and join them in stomping out a potential ally and forsaking Talos, all just to bide time before actually going to war again..
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