Incorrect. The belief of the populace was that a lord's power derived from God, the truth was entirely different. Feudal lords derived their power from military strength. Basically, it was a form of social control as the peasant tended to be stupid and "I'm king because God said so." tended to convince them. It's all explained in Machiavelli's The Prince, which became a ruler's how to guide that most, if not all, lords used.
How is what you said any different? All rulers up until the Magna Carta, which limited the English Monarch's power, claimed to rule by divine right. Fuedal lords, swore fealty to the king, and thusly were given the rights to land in exchange for miitary service and taxation. Thats all broken down by St. Augustine, when he established the Fuedal system as a model as how Heaven was made God > Angels > Lesser Angels > Human Souls. Sure God didnt actually speak to the rulers and ordane them with the right to rule, but the Pope sure did (and he was considered more or less one step down from Jesus Christ, "what you hold true on Earth, I will hold true in Heaven")
Plus The Prince, while a great work indeed (an excellent read for anyone interested in politics, historical or modern), it wasnt written until the early 1500's, so I doubt Charlamange or St. Augustine read it. Edit: Seeing as how St.A died in the 400's and Charlemange in the 800s...