Think They Missed Something with Music

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:05 pm

Joined a Bard school just to see what gives , I found a Flute on my travels I was just thinking , would be nice if surrounded and low on health potions if passed Bard School , you get your flute and start to play music that Calms the savage beast(s) warrior(s) and you can sneek off.

PS .. Music On or Off in game ... nice stuff but I play with it OFF strange if you walked about the place with music playing in your ears.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:42 am

i forgot which website had an article on this but literally 2 days after a launch there was a full page on how they completely missed out on letting you play the instruments. i felt a bit let down as well since i collected a drum, lute and flute assuming that i would learn how to play them when i got to the bards schools. was kind of a let down because i was able to chop wood and mine etc so i figured that playing instruments would be a no brainer.

i played with music on for a few hours but then i turn it off. it was nice to hear some morrowind music in there. :)
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:06 am

i forgot which website had an article on this but literally 2 days after a launch there was a full page on how they completely missed out on letting you play the instruments. i felt a bit let down as well since i collected a drum, lute and flute assuming that i would learn how to play them when i got to the bards schools. was kind of a let down because i was able to chop wood and mine etc so i figured that playing instruments would be a no brainer.

Agreed. I've been wanting to play a bard since the original Bard's tale. In that game, there were different magical effects for each seperate song you played.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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