1) I LOVE the Nordic/Barbarian themed armors in this game. Fur, hide, and scale look great. When my character was wearing scale, I loved playing in third person. Now, I finally got my smithing up to 100%. I figured dragon scale will probably look like a more bad-assed version of scale. After all, dragon plate already looks plate-like. Nords are the main race in the game. They use light armor. Most of the light armors are nord themed in appearance. It seemed likely that the dragon scale would be another fur kilt combo but with a dragon scale/spikey top... nope. It looks like another version of a plate themed armor. There is absolutely nothing about it that is reminiscent of viking themed or barbarian themed apparel. I liked the way my character looked in scale a whole lot more! Of course I can't justify wearing scale anymore (as I spent the perks to learn how to build dragon armor).
2) If you are dual wielding, why doesn't your second weapon show up when your weapons are sheathed?
3) Why do you never leave footprints behind in the snow?
Of course, considering how minor those complaints are, this game rocks!