I think the perks should be more like "perks" rather than "reduce lockpicking difficulty", I liked the "Quick Hands" perk that lets you lockpick while being watched (Since you have quick hands

Same reason why I am a "hater" of most spell trees (Half magicka, half magicka, half magicka, half lame...), I hope Bethesda comes up with more witty perks and perhaps even enhance and improve the other already awesome perk trees (Archery zoom and slow was awesome, not a direct improvement but it made my arrow shooting life much easier and fun...and precise

I am enjoying the game so far, only gamebreakign glitch was fixed thanks to a quick console command (NPC not being there and me summoning him through code XD).
Perks should be unique and perhaps funny, not repetitive +10%, easier for easy, easier for medium, easier for hard and so on.