Duel weilding question(s)

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:13 pm

Okay so I duel wield (mainly maces for more dmg) and I seen they if I duel weild maces I have slighty more att then a warhammer. So I was wondering if anyone can explain how it works, like.... I see I can use both m1 and m2 to swing each weapon, Do I have to keep swing both weapons? or does 1 weapn have all the att so long as I duel wield? Thanks in advance.
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:29 am

Okay so I duel wield (mainly maces for more dmg) and I seen they if I duel weild maces I have slighty more att then a warhammer. So I was wondering if anyone can explain how it works, like.... I see I can use both m1 and m2 to swing each weapon, Do I have to keep swing both weapons? or does 1 weapn have all the att so long as I duel wield? Thanks in advance.

You have three options: right attack, left attack and dual attack (pressing both buttons simultaneously)

The disadvantage of dual wielding is that you can't block.The advantage is that you actually can attack with one weapon while the opponent is blocking the other, just how the offhand weapon originally was meant to be used. Maces aren't fast enough to do that efficiently, though.

The total damage shown in the inventory is only done when you attack with both weapons. This is most useful for sneak attacks. With the right perks, wielding a pair of daggers that do 12 damage each, your sneak attacks will do a devastating 12 x 2 x 15 = 360 damage. A pair of 20 damage swords will still do 20 x 2 x 6 = 240 damage.

Power attacks with both hands result in a flurry attack that hits multiple times.

So yes, dual wielding is all about combination attacks, and you really need to use both weapon buttons.
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