» Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:33 pm
You're a lifer. They tell you this when you get put in - that nobody actually gets released ever. The other prisoners also explicitly say that nobody is every actually let out.
Also, teleporting out like that with the developer console rather than chosing one of the 2/3 means of escape could break several quests in the city having ultimately related to the shamefully run prison. I would strongly recommend against dong that unless a glitch has caused you to be thrown in there or stuck in there in the first place. Note: having a defacto life-sentence is not a glitch, its part of the plot for that area. It's corrupt.
Talk to the prisoner sitting down in the middle of the main room. Actually, talk to all the prisoners. Eventually you'll be able to either brawl or persuade the Orc to let you see his boss. That should get you started. Do keep in mind that you do not have to cooperate with this man to get out. You can kill him, take his key, and use the escape tunnel they've just completed (you will want to run through the thing pretty much.) Also, be aware that this is probably the escape method which will most endear you to the people in the city.