Well after dealing with every thing on my own I got a bit sick of fighting five or seven people at once so I decided to go and get a follower and thought this should make things a bit more fun, I was WRONG this A.I is so freaking stupid it makes the A.I from oblivion look smart, At first I thought it might just be me thinking they are stupid but it's not that way at all heres an example one of the mages at winterhold I wanted to get cause I thought IT would be interesting to get a mage to back me up so I bring her to fight with me and she pulls out a damn bow!? whats next warriors pull out bows when a dragon is next to them and about to bite them? Well yes that also happend with EVERY warrior I brought with me would just stand and use that bow and nothing else I give them every type of sword mace two handed weapon and they refused to use it no matter what and all they would do when a bandit or mage or what ever got near enough with them they should be using a sword butter knife hell anything that can poke them they just keep that bow, and thats not the end of it when I begin to walk they just stand and do nothing....about 20 steps later when I am very far away from them they start walking I will not accept this these A.I are using the radiant A.I and they are this stupid? please bethesda add on a new order so we can make them use what we give them to use or better yet make it so they think about what they are using.