I would appreciate it if you would read before posting anything, I have said multiple times, that I have reloaded saves. MULTIPLE TIMES THAT I HAVE RELOADED SAVES. he is still invincible.
do not insult me by your asinine assumptions, I know what I am doing. I wouldn't come to the forums if the damn reloading worked now would I?
Alright listen, I was not trying to insult you. If it sounded like that I'm sorry.
The thing is I did read your post. The thing is this happened to me. I was just trying to help. I do have one question though, when you reloaded the save how far was it from fighting Alduin?
If you read my post, I had to reload save when I was the quest before the one you're in now. The reason is because everytime I reloaded a save that was before Alduin's fight it did the same thing. I had to reload a save that was farther back to fix it. I was trying to say that in post.