The foliage density on ultra is much greater than on high.
I couldnt agree more, that is exactly what I've noticed, there is almost double amount of branches in the trees and shadow and soft particles on Ultra(Very high) than High settings.
Did you label High and Ultra correctly? High has much sharper textures than Ultra
Please no. I know I can play on High, probably not Ultra.
The Ultra has better water effects and shadows.
I took the screenshots myself, so if anybody have questions, ask away. Ps. All images are 1080p, so you need to maximize the image to really see the differences.
Lol, I just noticed something. There is a plant just above the logs that only appears in Low/High. Really strange...
Yeah, I'm sorry consolites, but the xbox version doesn't look ANYTHING like that.
Well, of course not. I've owned my Xbox 360 for six years. I'm well aware of the limitations of the graphics vs. the PC version of ANY game, and I'm guessing most other console users are, too.
None of which will stop me from spending hours/days/weeks/months playing in Skyrim's world until my eyes are bloodshot and I can't drink another cup of coffee.
Is it just me or is there 0 difference in environment textures (apart from the ground) between medium and ultra? Thats quite dissappointing, especially noticable if you look at the big tree to the left. Same with the leaves/needles on its branches, they are the exact same detail from med to ultra..
Is it just me or is there 0 difference in environment textures (apart from the ground) between medium and ultra? Thats quite dissappointing, especially noticable if you look at the big tree to the left. Same with the leaves/needles on its branches, they are the exact same detail from med to ultra..
Ah, I was wondering why did the game run so smooth even on High settings with my ancient machine (according to todays standards :biggrin: ).
I have to say, I was a bit worried about how combat is going to be, and expected it to be the weakest chain in the game; but so far I'm absolutely loving every fight I get, and the combat is utterly satisfying (that is, if you don't get your ass kicked =P). It might be just me, though, as I see there are more than a few people complaining about combat.
These sword textures here confuse me.. I mean I know it's a still screen compared to this but check out the sword at around 00:56 sec. (HD) Looks pretty awesome.... eh? :blink:?
"Melt your face off" was obviously pure marketing hype, and I don't think anybody should be surprised by that, since Todd had said it essentially looks the same on all platforms, and because experience says that games don't look drastically different on PC and console unless they're designed for PC and then stuff is removed for consoles (and even then "drastically" is a bold term to use)... and we knew that Skyrim is a console game being ported to PC. Basically, the game looks like a console game on PC, because that's actually what it is. "Melt your face off," hahahaha... although I knew it wasn't true, I still don't appreciate being lied to, tbh.
With the texture bug 360 is experiencing, it goes to show that emphasis was not on just the console. PC looks amazing beyond just screenshots atm.
truely the ultra looks alot better then the low but i dont care. if you look in the backround there is a pile of wood and other stuff in the right corner below the mountains u can only see on