I put a bunch of stuff in his corpse (like 2 weeks ago) because I read online that dragon corpses don't despawn and I wanted a safe place to put my stuff.
Well... that was a lie, since the dragon corpse despawned, taking all my stuff with it. I figured it was no big loss, and kept playing.
But NOW ( 2 weeks later)
The dragon corpse came back, only now it has skin on it again, and it is sort of vibrating in the way you would expect if physics were not disabled, and the physice continue to affect it. It just keeps vibrating. This is not unusual for Havok, but I have never seen a skeletonized dragon do this.
I found SOME of my stuff in it. all the unique items were there, like the skull of corruption and some notes. All the non-unique stuff was gone, like dragon bones and potions.
I read a while ago that the guy that did the Unofficial Oblivion Patch was back for Skyrim, and collecting data of things to patch for this game. Anyone know who that guy is, and how to get him this information?