"I need you to disarm the bomb in the middle of town." Lucas Sim's said to the power armored figured infront of him, "The people will like it."
The figure stood for a moment, gazing at Sim's. "...But I wants moneyz for it!" it said in a rather robotic voice.
Lucas Sim's jumped up in shock at the voice, then scowled, "MONEY? We are talking about saving lives here, and all you care about is MONEY?"
The armored figure blinked, "... Ur gay!"
"... Alright... I will give you, a hundred caps."
"Two hundred."
"A hundred and fifty."
Lucas Sims pointed to the bomb, the Lone Wanderer walking to it. A shady figured walked up to him.
"Omgzors!" the power armored figure said, pulling out a teddy bear and whacking it against the shady guy, who shot it with his gun.
"I am Mr.Burke, and my employer wants you to blow up the bomb."
"Imz already getting the moneyz to disarm it."
"Five hundred caps say you will!"
The lone wander's eyes widened!
Will he blow up Megaton, or not? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON.... oh screw this. -walks out of the studio- ))