PLEASE NOTE - This thread is about roleplaying. You oughtn't talk about game mechanics, or quests - just give birth to a character, by describing him. No photos are necessary.
Name: Publius Valerius Celer.
Race: Imperial.
Gender: Male.
Alignment: Chaotic neutral, leaning to Good.
Birthday: Hearthfire, 30th.
Before going to Skyrim, what was his trade? He was a small time smuggler in Cyrodiil.
Why did he go to Skyrim? He thought he'd take advantage of the civil war to make money.
How was he captured? While crossing the border, he sighted a group of Stormcloaks from afar, and recognized Ulfric amongst them. He tried to follow them for a bit, to see where they were headed and sell the location of Ulfric Stormcloak to the Imperials; however, he was spotted and captured by Stormcloak soldiers. In that moment, the Imperials ambushed the Stormcloaks.
How would you define his morality? Although he likes to think he is cynical and self-serving, Publius is actually softer than he would like to be, and would never harm an innocent person for personal gain. However, he has no qualms with stealing from rich merchants or from bandits, or dealing in illegal goods (although he is against slavery.)
What is his adventuring style? He is cautious, and never tries to bite more than he can chew. He always prepares carefully for any quest and expedition, anticipating what kind of enemies he could face, scouting the location, anolyzing possible ways of attack, or even better, sneaking. If possible, he avoids confrontation and danger, preferring "safer" quests. He also prefers cities to the wilderness, and likes to travel by carriage. He doesn't care much for magic.
What is his fighting style? With a much stronger opponent, or a group of enemies, running and hiding. If he HAS to fight, then he prefers to face his enemies one-on-one. He makes the most of his environment by using traps and geography against his enemies. He normally fights with a sword and a shield, using a bow at range.
How will he evolve during the game? He will become much more confident with fighting and adventuring, although he will always avoid needless danger and prefer to use his wits rather than brute force. During his adventures, he will realize than he cares more than he thought for the suffering of people, and he will accept to help them out more often, while at the same time becoming much more merciless towards bandits and bad people.
What are his goals and motivations? In the beginning, personal gain. He experienced poverty and hunger as a child, and subsequently decided that he would have none of it. He wants to obtain money and power. As the game progresses, he will grow increasingly less selfish and cynical, though he will never admit to it.
Finally - one random particularity of this character? He loves comfort and luxury. He likes to sleep a good number of hours every night, to have regular meals, to wear nice clothes and jewelry, and so forth. When travelling to a location, he will be more than happy to make a detour to pass through a city or village and spend a night at a local tavern, after a nice meal. Whenever possible, he avoids being in the wilderness after sunset night.
1. This text ought to describe how your character is at the beginning of the game. But his adventures will shape him, and anything, from his goals to his playing style, can change, if there is a good enough reason to change it.
2. Your starting character should influence how you play the game, and the choices - major or minor - that you make. If your Breton character had his family slaughtered by Orcs, he is unlikely to accept to help an Orc in a quest, unless he meets some decent Orcs and decides to open his mind in the course of the game. If you are playing a rowdy barbarian with a two handed axe, who thinks that a man should fight and despises mages and thieves... well, then you're unlikely to spend your time practicing spells and picking locks, and much more likely to spend your nights at the local tavern, drinking and brawling. Yes, you will miss out on some loot if you don't pick locks, but you will miss out on your in-game character's believability if you really shouldn't but you do anyway.
in few words - let your personality influence your decisions, and let your decisions shape your personality!!!