I just recently acquired a gaming laptop. It just so happens that Fallout New Vegas is the first game I've ever even played on a comp. Before that I was a PS3 user. My question is, I wanted to try playing the game with the cheats on, I tried pressing the ~ key during game play, but no console came up. What am I doing wrong? Is there something I missed?
I'm playing on a desktop PC with a standard keyboard so I'm not sure, but the console will show up as a cursor in the lower left corner of your screen. You should though be able to type in commands without doing anything else then hitting the ~ key.
I don't need to hit the shift key, but if yours is an ` key in lowercase maybe try shift ~?
Only other suggestion would be buying a generic keyboard to use with your laptop that plugs into the USB port. You should still be able to use the laptop keyboard for everything else (just for fun, I plugged in two keyboards into my PC and both worked), and just use it to hit the ~ key. Might sound dumb, but one can get a generic for something like $10.00 to $20.00 or so from even a place like Wal-Mart.
Hope this helps.