I'm on the last legs of the main questline, where I need to bring the Stormcloaks and the Imperials together for peace talks, and I ran into an issue. I never joined either side, but had the quest to kill the Ice Wraith to join the stormcloaks. Now when I enter the keep where Ulfric is, him and Galmar repeat the same conversation about the Jagged Crown whenever I enter. Galmar won't acknowledge the quest to join, nor will Ulfric, Galmar will just say that he can't believe I convinced Ulfric to have peace talks over and over. I tried completing the quest, and did, now Galmar has the arrow over his head to turn in, but he still just repeats himself about the peace talks and won't let me turn in the quest. If I talk to Ulfric, he just says to talk to Galmar about finding the Jagged Crown. The same happens on the Legion side, Legate Rikke just says she can't believe I convinced General Tullius to have peace talks, and won't give me the option to join the Legion. If I go to Kovanjund on my own to get the crown, it's blocked by a cave-in. I need help. I can't continue the main questline to finish the game, and my last save is nearly 4 hours behind, and it won't matter anyway because I still have the Stormcloak quest. Will this be patched? Does anyone know a workaround?