Two bugs are annoying me....

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:14 am

just wanted to share these two bugs im experiencing right now, one of which is really ruining my game. i scanned the other posts real quick but didnt see anything about these particular bugs. Both started after I did the dark brotherhood questline.

First is in the city of Markarth. During one of the DB quests i got a bounty for murdering someone. Now everytime I go to Markarth I am accosted by a guard who says, "You have commited blah blah blah against skyrim and her people blah blah blah..." My options are the Thieves Guild Bribe to get out, and if i select it the guard says not this time, not for this. So I say I submit, take me to jail. The guard says no one gets out of cidhna mine blah blah blah... then instead of just taking me to jail I get the dialogue option, Whats the problem? So i click it and the guard tells me what he said before^^...then i have to choose from my first set of dialogue options. So basically i can never go to jail, pay my bounty or freely move about Markarth. Anyone have this particular problem? It is incredibly annoying. What hold is Markarth in? I havent tried going to a different town to try to serve my time.

The second bug doesnt effect the storyline or really hurt my gameplay like this^^^ does but i think it will prevent me from collecting the 15? daedric artifacts. Its the Sacellum of Boethia quest. I tried bringing a DB initiate to the pillar, but they just keep saying right away and never touch it. so i went to windhelm and got Stenvar out of Candlehearth Hall and made him touch it. He gets trapped by the magic and i use the blade of sacrifice on him. Boethia take his body and says two lines of dialogue then we just sit there silent. I can summon her but she wont talk to me. if i activate her she just says the two lines of dialogue over and over again. the only thing i can think of that is wrong for this one is that i upgraded the blade of sacrifice to (exquisite). i dont know of that would effect it.

so thats it. anyone having similar problems? or know if im doing something wrong? I just want some help to atleast be able to go back to markarth without having to kill all the guard just to get to my house. thanks!
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:56 am

... i went to windhelm and got Stenvar out of Candlehearth Hall and made him touch it. He gets trapped by the magic and i use the blade of sacrifice on him. Boethia take his body and says two lines of dialogue then we just sit there silent. I can summon her but she wont talk to me. if i activate her she just says the two lines of dialogue over and over again. the only thing i can think of that is wrong for this one is that i upgraded the blade of sacrifice to (exquisite). i dont know of that would effect it.

Yeah, the same thing is happening to me. I've slain Stenvar, the screen goes all psychadelic, but I can't talk to him. Just those same two lines over and over again. Bugged!
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Jessica Raven
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