Archery Issues

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:58 pm

Maybe it's just me, but is anyone else experiencing these things?

1 - When using a bow, enemies apparently develop super human reflexes. Sometimes the very millisecond you release an arrow, they do a little twirl spin and get out of the way of your arrow. The hell? They can even do it when YOU ARE IN STEALTH, which leads me to...

2 - Psychic enemies. If you pay attention when you are about to stealth shoot an enemy, you'll notice that before the arrow connects, the "sneak eye" opens a bit. So now we not only have matrix agents as enemies, they have build in radars as well.

3 - Not necessarily a problem with archery, but related non the less. Bound bow, why is it an adept level spell while the other conjure weapons are novice level? There's no need for that. If you are getting your conjuration to 50, I'm going to take a guess that you probably aren't doing it for the bow.

Other stuff:

4 - Wild cats and bears are a great threat out in the wilds. However, compared to the mage or warrior, my archer just can't handle them unless he gets the sneak on them. Seriously, you can't hurt them fast enough before they close the gap and erase your face. Dragons aren't even this hard. Forget Alduin and the Thalmor, bears are a bigger threat to human life in skyrim.

5 - NPC Mages. So let me get this straight. Player mages have to devote almost every level up to pumping up their magicka, where as npc mages have health pools that rival pure warrior builds AND an apparently limitless magicka pool as well. Cut the crap, either make them mages or damage sponges, they can't be both.

6 - Speaking of magic, lets talk about frost magic. It is USELESS for the player to use frost magic. I don't think its any exaggeration to say that over half of the enemies in this game have some form of resistance to frost magic, if not an outright immunity. Take into account the horrible efficiency of destruction spells and there's no point in specializing in frost damage as compared to shock or fire. Furthermore, where is my frost slowing effect? I see that NPC frost spells (once again, NPCS get the best toys) slow players down considerably, to the point where the mage could back peddle faster than the player can move forward. This isn't how it works for the player, it barely slows anything down at all. Really, frost is in a bad state here as far as players using it goes.

That about covers a few glaring issues I've seen.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:09 pm

When using a bow, enemies apparently develop super human reflexes. Sometimes the very millisecond you release an arrow, they do a little twirl spin and get out of the way of your arrow. The hell? They can even do it when YOU ARE IN STEALTH, which leads me to...

The games way of dodging I guess. Bit lame they can do it while stealthed, but if they can see an arrow flying towards them...

2 - Psychic enemies. If you pay attention when you are about to stealth shoot an enemy, you'll notice that before the arrow connects, the "sneak eye" opens a bit. So now we not only have matrix agents as enemies, they have build in radars as well.

The eye opens because the sound from releasing the bow stirred them

Speaking of magic, lets talk about frost magic. It is USELESS for the player to use frost magic. I don't think its any exaggeration to say that over half of the enemies in this game have some form of resistance to frost magic, if not an outright immunity. Take into account the horrible efficiency of destruction spells and there's no point in specializing in frost damage as compared to shock or fire. Furthermore, where is my frost slowing effect? I see that NPC frost spells (once again, NPCS get the best toys) slow players down considerably, to the point where the mage could back peddle faster than the player can move forward. This isn't how it works for the player, it barely slows anything down at all. Really, frost is in a bad state here as far as players using it goes.

Considering most of the game is covered in snow, you would think that most of the NPC's would have a natural resistance to frost. Sure the spikes look cool, but fire owns everything.
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:16 am

I didnt seem to notice points 1 and 2 much at all. But, I agree with the rest :D
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:26 pm

lol... I've noticed a bit of this stuff as well.

The whole shoot an arrow under stealth and the enemy does like a matrix dodge... "in slow motion!" it like they speed up for a split second to dodge and then go "oh there is an intruder" ?!?!?

I just shoot them again and they die... Sometimes

I don't have much trouble with wild life, but then again I always keep a follower with me. It's almost a must with an archer build. It helps keeps the enemy's from destroying me.

But the thing that really bugs me the most is if your completely concealed... When you get any sort of close to enemy's they start hunting me already?!?!? How about you just stay where your at and let me place this arrow in your back, and save us both the trouble...
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:13 am

Bears are the archers bane thats for sure. I have noticed NPCs dodging arrows but only after they discovered where I am at, which is still pretty bizarre to see. But in general a stealthed archer is still at the top of the food chain.
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:54 am

I imagine that if a target dodges an arrow while you're sneaking and hidden, it's because they hear the TWANG of the bow and reflexively duck or move, and the arrow just takes enough time for this to be enough to miss. The arrow does take a small amount of time to reach its target, after all.

And yeah, Nords have that 50% frost resistance, and you're in Skyrim,so I imagine that Nords are gonna be a fairly common target. They certainly aren't all Nords, though.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:48 am

Avenger a good way to deal with the pesky dodgers, is to shoot a wall, the idiots will go and inspect what the sound was, then you can shoot them in back of the head :D
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:19 pm

Avenger a good way to deal with the pesky dodgers, is to shoot a wall, the idiots will go and inspect what the sound was, then you can shoot them in back of the head :D

hehe, yeah, thats a good way to get them to move into your line of site as well if they are around a corner. NPCs in Skyrim were sure dropped alot as babies.
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:12 pm

Sabre toothed cats and bears I don't find a problem as an archer. I had 2 cats against me and I just backed away firing arrows and if they got close I would Fus-Ro-Dah them or bow bash them and repeat.
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:03 pm

Maybe this is possible Skyrim. But if you have ever seen a real Composition Bow shot by a hunter, there's abo[censored]ely no way possible someone can move out of the way in time.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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