1 - When using a bow, enemies apparently develop super human reflexes. Sometimes the very millisecond you release an arrow, they do a little twirl spin and get out of the way of your arrow. The hell? They can even do it when YOU ARE IN STEALTH, which leads me to...
2 - Psychic enemies. If you pay attention when you are about to stealth shoot an enemy, you'll notice that before the arrow connects, the "sneak eye" opens a bit. So now we not only have matrix agents as enemies, they have build in radars as well.
3 - Not necessarily a problem with archery, but related non the less. Bound bow, why is it an adept level spell while the other conjure weapons are novice level? There's no need for that. If you are getting your conjuration to 50, I'm going to take a guess that you probably aren't doing it for the bow.
Other stuff:
4 - Wild cats and bears are a great threat out in the wilds. However, compared to the mage or warrior, my archer just can't handle them unless he gets the sneak on them. Seriously, you can't hurt them fast enough before they close the gap and erase your face. Dragons aren't even this hard. Forget Alduin and the Thalmor, bears are a bigger threat to human life in skyrim.
5 - NPC Mages. So let me get this straight. Player mages have to devote almost every level up to pumping up their magicka, where as npc mages have health pools that rival pure warrior builds AND an apparently limitless magicka pool as well. Cut the crap, either make them mages or damage sponges, they can't be both.
6 - Speaking of magic, lets talk about frost magic. It is USELESS for the player to use frost magic. I don't think its any exaggeration to say that over half of the enemies in this game have some form of resistance to frost magic, if not an outright immunity. Take into account the horrible efficiency of destruction spells and there's no point in specializing in frost damage as compared to shock or fire. Furthermore, where is my frost slowing effect? I see that NPC frost spells (once again, NPCS get the best toys) slow players down considerably, to the point where the mage could back peddle faster than the player can move forward. This isn't how it works for the player, it barely slows anything down at all. Really, frost is in a bad state here as far as players using it goes.
That about covers a few glaring issues I've seen.